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Notes on a Schema

There have been some studies written on a schema called "the sick role" which defines a person...

Defining Dallas: Drought and the Forest

We got a tenth of an inch of rain yesterday -- such a microscopic amount.  The pond levels...

Defining Dallas: Symptoms of Pond Mortality

The drought continues and our ponds shrink at Trinity River Audubon Center.  I'm torn between...

Defining Dallas: Drought And The Heat Island Effect

As with everything, my insatiable curiosity leads me to adventures.  This past week I went...

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I am a PhD candidate in the field of information science, volunteer Naturalist for the Trinity River Audubon Society and a volunteer fossil preparator for the Dallas Museum of Nature and Science... Read More »

There's an interesting discussion over on the Wikipedia boards about the topic of "popular misconceptions" that has all sorts of interesting linguistic and informational aspects to it (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:List_of_common_misconceptions#Request_...) .  The conundrum is that the article is intended to address "popular misconceptions" and at one point someone (identified only as "a user") steps in with a set of very cogent and thoughtful points that get looked at but never addressed.  They're particularly interesting because in sum they describe several of the great issues with information science as it is practiced over the Internet.  In part, our problem with the Internet is that it is an information source unlike any other we've eve
I had a nice essay going about information and sources, and a whack of the keyboard sent me off to a site I hadn't intended to visit and the post (all 400 words of it) off into bit-dust.  You'd think I would know better, having been a computer programmer ever since the early Cretaceous, but alas I fell victim to my own hubris.  I sort of feel cheated, as Coleridge did when his lovely dream of Xanadu was interrupted.

Technology is a fickle mistress.