Many scientists have documented that over 95% of Human DNA does not have a known purpose. This DNA has been colloquially referred to as "Junk DNA".


Up to 97% of the human genetic information (DNA) is seemingly needless, repetitive "junk" - only about 3% is known to generate proteins, deserving the name "gene". The rest used to be called "junk DNA", lately renamed as "non-coding introns", sometimes labelled by the mysterious, though not very explicit description that these self-similar strands "regulate gene expression". 

However, other researchers have not been content to simply classify this predominant part of DNA as "one of life's mysteries". Scholarly groups at the forefront of investigative researchers are gathering details which suggest that DNA may not substantively exist as a "building block of life". Rather, it appears that the substantive function of DNA is to act as a "parasitic inhibitor" and "regulator" of life on planet Earth.

Dr. John Lash documents...

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