Algumas ideias da conferência da American Association for the Advancement of Science, e sobre Saúde e Nutrição, onde se fala:
…da pegada ecológica originada pelos excessos alimentares…
“Much of the present high calorie density food production has a massive carbon footprint and requires wasteful amounts of energy and water. If we are to feed the world – 8 billion people in just 20 years time – with a healthy diet, we need to deliver a rescue plan for the planet – not just to address global warming, but to ensure we have sufficient healthy food to feed everyone.”
…do ataque à obesidade, com as mesmas armas com que se combate as alterações climáticas…
“Obesity must be tackled in the same way as climate change with world leaders agreeing to vital steps to transform the environment that is making us fat, a leading international nutritional scientist warned today.”
…de que precisamos que nos defendam de nós próprios…
“Blaming individuals for their personal vulnerability to weight gain is no longer acceptable in a world where the majority is

…e muito mais…
Não sei se ria, se chore.
A Idade da Saúde e do Branco continua.
Fonte: Daqui
Imagens - link na primeira e da revista "Environmental Health", a segunda.