The Multinational Nuclear Power Pulse Survey, conducted online in November 2008, was released on 17 March 2009 by its originator Accenture, a consulting company. 10,508 people in 20 countries participated in a series of 20-minute interviews. Included in geography are Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, UK, and USA.
Accenture says in "the strongest support for nuclear energy as a means of reducing fossil fuel reliance came from respondents in India, where 67 % of those polled responded positively. In China the figure was 62 %, in the United States 57 % and in South Africa 55 %. Support was far lower in countries such as France and Italy (37 %), Germany (31 %), Brazil (29 %), and Spain (28 %)."

Would you question these survey percentages as I do? For example, France leads the world in electricity generation by nuclear reactors. Does it make sense that only 37 % of its population supported nuclear energy? Less than the support in USA?

"More than two-thirds of people around the world believe that their countries should start using or increase their use of nuclear power, according to findings of a global survey released today by Accenture" states I would like to know how their survey can be made to reflect the world population as a whole.

Web surveys are here to stay. There are both advantages and disadvantages for online surveys. 

I will reconsider to review this survey in the interest of science when a detailed report becomes available.