VICTORIA, British Colombia, March 19 /PRNewswire/ -- - Realtime Feedback for Developers - Realtime Intelligent Ad Targeting for Advertisers

OverInterActive Media Inc. (OMI) and Advanced E-commerce Research Systems Inc. (AERS) are proud to announce an online gaming analytics partnership that delivers privacy-respecting, real-time use-data and analytics to developers, and real-time intelligent in-game ad placement to advertisers.

AERS and OMI view videogame entertainment as undergoing both unprecedented growth and a disruption in the technology model. Fred Speckeen, CEO of AERS puts it this way As internet bandwidth and users' PC power expands, the game console becomes increasingly un-necessary, as do software downloads. Web-delivered, interactive gaming is a market opportunity that OMI has the foresight to seize, and AERS will be key to unlocking and applying valuable, real-time user data to both advertisers and developers.

The consumer is driving this revolution and our business, says J. Joly, VP of Content for OMI. In these difficult economic times consumers want gaming alternatives that deliver the quality of retail games without the burden of the high-price tag. Meanwhile, advertisers are looking for ways to maximize their brand impact by reaching consumers in new places and in new ways. OMI's platform will be analytics-enabled to make it a successful advertising placement vehicle and a superior platform for developers to get real-time feedback on game-play.

I'm sometimes asked if in-game advertising is relevant, laughs Joly. In 2008, Nielsen BASES surveyed over 1,300 PC gamers and found that 60% felt in-game ads caught their attention, made the games more realistic, and did not interfere with their experience. Nielsen forecasts that in-game advertising across all platforms will reach $1.8 billion by 2010 (up from $50 million in 2005). That's a relevant data point, and one among many that support our business plan.

dimeRocker employs a free-to play model business model to generate long-term revenue. It costs a player nothing to log on, play, and interact with others, becoming part of an exciting online gaming community. Using preset in-game probes to isolate specific statistics within each offering will not only allow developers to constantly improve game-play, but give advertisers unprecedented insight into how, when and where to place their brands for maximum impact with different classes of users. This flexibility of dynamic advertising coupled with geo-filtering increases the scope to fit any global demographic.

We're excited to extend our analytics offering to a new-media pioneer like OMI. The promise of all interactive online commerce and entertainment is that potentially insightful user-data is created in real-time as users play, shop, watch and interact. The challenge, however, is that this is a firehose of data that needs to be organized quickly so that it can be queried and applied. Also, it's an absolute must to protect and respect each user's privacy. Unlike traditional data companies, AERS is well-skilled in accomplishing both objectives - it's our core business and has made AERS tremendously successful. AERS will be an important analytics supplier and aggregator in the new media space, says Speckeen.

OverInteractive Media Inc. is a developer and licensor of original content targeting the 18 to 34 demographic. Delivered via a branded online Portal ( and built on an open-source social network supported by innovative viral marketing strategies, the Portal will aggregate and deploy original 3D console-like browser games, streaming music videos, ARGs and proprietary API toolsets that will allow independent developers to connect directly with their user base and monetize their offerings in different ways.

Advanced E-commerce Research Systems Inc. specializes in delivering e-commerce-based analytics and insight to support the investment, product management, marketing, and advertising decisions of its thousands of clients. AERS does this based on its core competencies in storing and mining large e-commerce datasets. AERS is comprised of two main divisions: Terapeak supplies auction analysis to eBay sellers and buyers through an on-line web interface, while Advanced delivers data and custom research to the business sector. The company was founded in 2004, and monitors over ten million consumer transactions each day.

For further information: Fred Speckeen, President and CEO, AERS Inc., 2307-4464 Markham Street, Victoria, BC, V8Z 7X8,, +1-250-483-3252 (direct); J. Joly, VP of Content, OverInterActive Media Inc, 538 Cambie Str., Vancouver, BC, V6B 2N7,, +1-778-888-1050 (mobile)

For further information: Fred Speckeen, President and CEO, AERS Inc., 2307-4464 Markham Street, Victoria, BC, V8Z 7X8,, +1-250-483-3252 (direct); J. Joly, VP of Content, OverInterActive Media Inc, 538 Cambie Str., Vancouver, BC, V6B 2N7,, +1-778-888-1050 (mobile)