Most recent intellectual developments in post-human complex systems (see, e.g., perceptively conclude that “social equilibrium” is just a theoretical state. But it is also something quite undesirable. Equally undesirable is a linear, predictable, stable, orderly, homogenous and pure human world.

This would probably be a very hopeless, colorless, dull and boring world: A completely grey social universe! In addition, there is indeed a small degree of optimism about the future, by focusing upon possibilities rather than limitations.

The future dynamic evolution of post-human complex systems can be coarsely projected up to a certain time horizon (predictability horizon), but it cannot be fully predicted with certainty and precision in the long run. Namely, predicting the future could be rather considered as an irresolvable riddle.

The interdisciplinary and reflexively objective discourse of unpredictability might eventually provide new exciting insights into contemporary academic discussions around the intimately dialectic cycles of micro/macro, emergence/social causation, reproduction/transformation, directionality/contingency, structure/action and theorizing/experiencing relations, vividly demonstrating the inherently undecidable and often surprising character of social and organizational dynamics.