About Aimee
Aimee is a 20 year veteran of the marketing communications, journalism and education fields. She excels at transforming scientific and technical information into concise messages, articles and written materials for a wide variety of clients in print and electronic media. Stern Communications, which she launched a year ago, is a network of independent communications professionals who specialize in healthcare, science, education, and marketing. Public understanding of science is a key focus of its work. Aimee’s writing is published in over 100 newspapers and magazines, including the New York Times, U.S. News & World Report, Fortune’s Small Business, Money and Business Week. As the head of her own firm, Aimee is leading a communications team for The Science Inside Alcohol Project of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She recently published a print and electronic about the science of alcohol and how it affects children’s bodies. Aimee spent eight years at DC-based Potomac Communications Group (PCG), where she helped to build a science, engineering and health practice that included the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Department of Energy’s Office of Science, the National Academy of Engineering, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, among others. The practice accounted for more than 10% of company revenues.
Visit the Stern Communications Web site at www.sterncommdc.com. Aimee’s blog on alcohol and parenting teens can be found at www.delaythatfirstdrink.blogspot.com. Please also visit the Science Inside Alcohol Project on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Science-Inside-Alcohol/33451484521.
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Vote on Student Ideas for Saving the World Through ScienceIt's The Daily "Science" Show - Circa MITAre We Focusing our Engineering and Science Efforts on the Wrong Age Group?Coming Soon from a Science Festival Near YouCan Cheerleaders Successfully Market Science?
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