Back On The Market

AUCKLAND, NZ – This week, I missed Wednesday.Normally, the perils of crossing the International...

Tall, Dark, And Successful

BOSTON, MA—“The trees are certainly shorter out here,” said Luke.The East Coaster in me bristled...

The Days Of The Dead

With Halloween just around the corner, storefronts, lawn ornaments, and general décor have adjusted...

Measuring Up To The Happiness Standard

By all accounts, my friend Lori has a fabulous sense of style. Plus, she really knows how to find...

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I'm a graduate student in Ecology and Evolution at Stanford University, where I study ecosystem metabolics and function. In particular, I'm interested in how changes to plant and animal communities... Read More »

By Holly Moeller | October 15th 2009 10:38 PM | Print | E-mail
Ever surrendered an argument because it wasn’t that important to you? Put down a book because it wasn't worth the time? Debated donating to a nonprofit group but found better uses for the money? Every day, we make small-scale personal-value decisions that take little time and seem of little significance. But these small choices trickle up in a big way, setting the trends for how legislators handle (or ignore) major decisions about the environment.
By Holly Moeller | October 15th 2009 09:33 PM | Print | E-mail
About a month ago, I stood nervously between a chalkboard and thirty-odd pairs of eyes, fidgeting over my colored chalk options. Under normal circumstances, I love teaching and lecturing for all the usual, sappy reasons: the joy of passing on knowledge, the chance of excite others about my passions. But under normal circumstances, I don’t walk into the middle of a chalk fight, order twelve-year-olds into their seats, and erase sprawling graffiti from the blackboard – all before picking up my lesson plan. I glanced once more at my class of middle- and high-school aged summer students, took a deep breath and a firm grasp on the green chalk, and turned to the board.