The periodic table goes well with many things, including, apparently, wine.

This month's issue of Wired (with plenty of fodder for blogging and articles, so more to come) includes a nugget of glorious information - Washington state vintner Substance has labels inspired by the periodic table. I know. Awesome.

The picture in the mag was of the 2007 Syrah (label: Sy), so of course I had to check out the site, (symbol: Su) to see what else these enological wizards offered. Not gonna lie, my eyes were as big as saucers - little tiles of chemical-like symbols pop onto a grid, organized by red/white and by region of the world. They won the coolest wine label award from Seattle Magazine in April 2008, and I can see why.

I am not a shill for these ingenious folks, unlike Hank and his big tobacco friends, as I have never tried this wine. But you can bet I am going to order some post-haste!