Maybe political correctness can get an autistic student voted prom king?   Only in Hollywood movies.  In real life, high schoolers can be vicious.    But for one socially awkward young man, diagnosed as autistic at a young age, high school has been pretty good and he was well regarded enough that his peers at Mariner High School. voted him prom king.

There may be some political correctness at the administrative level - kids like Justin Amandro are in the Exceptional Student Education program while they call the students without any sort of disability regular, which is confusing to non-Americans - but the students do the voting and they clearly like him and took the time to see past a label.

He mainstreamed into regular classes in high school and has clearly accomplished a lot - he is heading to college this fall to study engineering.    Justin, I know a lot of engineers and I can assure you, as long as your math skills are good, no one in engineering is going to notice shyness or personality quirks of any kind.   The only label you will need in engineering is engineer.

I learned about it because my nephew attends the school and it was forwarded to me so hat tip to my brother John.

Mariner High's prom king banishes prejudice