Toni Vernelli thinks babies are not very eco-friendly.  She doesn't want to kill the planet but killing a baby seems to be okay.   Still, she's going to get some cultural flak for having an abortion because she thinks children are bad for the environment, and appearing in a news article despite that takes some courage.

She felt so strongly about not having a baby she wanted to be sterilized after the abortion - and was.  Thankfully, it took her a while to find a doctor so ethically suspect he was willing to sterilize her when she is clearly teetering on the edge of madness - so avoid that doctor in Brighton who advertises himself as "forward-thinking".    Unsurprisingly, she works for an environmental charity and we can assume she does not vote Tory.

"Sarah and I don't need children to feel complete. What makes us happy is knowing that we are doing our bit to save our precious planet," says her husband.    I always like the smarmy condescension of people who make a non-evidence-based lifestyle choice and then insist there is a psychological flaw in people who don't choose it.

Meet the women who won't have babies - because they're not eco friendly - Natasha Courtenay-Smith and Morag Turner at Daily Mail