Like with psychic readings, sometimes you need to post a disclaimer that the following is 'for entertainment only'. No science sensibilities were actually harmed in the writing of the following article by Ross Pomeroy at RealClearScience:
Social scientists, he says, have a hard time being taken seriously because they have a strong penchant for turning out laughable research, the media has an equal fascination for covering it, and we love absolutely reading about it. True. So if you want to believe stressed men find fat women more attractive, you are racist even if you are not and that hangovers are a bonding experience, it is a good week for you.
I will add a newer one; a Trends in Genetics article written by political scientists claiming, again, that Americans are some sort of unique species and being Republican or Democrat can be determined genetically. 60% of political affiliation is genetic, they claimed. How? Surveys.
3 Social Science Studies for Entertainment Purposes Only by Ross Pomeroy, RealClearScience
For Entertainment Only: 3 Social Science Studies