Dr. Oz, the famous television doctor/celebrity, has never found a bit of scare journalism or a miracle vegetable he didn't promote. He is infamous among public health professionals for exaggerating the origins of autism, vaccines, dangers of BPA and chemical additives, arsenic in foods. His latest misadventure in questionable pop science was an October 12 program titled “GMO Foods: Are They Dangerous to Your Health?”

in his “investigation,” Oz provided uncritical time for Jeffrey Smith, an activist with no scientific or medical background, and Dr. Robin Bernhoft, a leading proponent of unconventional medical interventions and a belief, unsupported by mainstream science, that most chronic medical problems are caused by “toxic environmental exposures.”

Naturally, he also showed images of likewise-discredited French anti-GMO activist Gilles-Eric Séralini's tumor-ridden rats.  Generally speaking, if Dr. Oz - or any of the other Four Horsemen of the Alternative - are against something, it is probably safe. Likewise, their latest miracle cures should be treated with skepticism.

Jon Entine writing at Forbes has the takedown.