Hello Again... And Bye Bye...

It's been a while. And now I'm back only to say goodbye. Well, not really. It's just that I've...

Anti-Obesity Drug?

A new compound has been shown to reduce Body Mass Index (BMI) and abdominal circumference in obese...

Beautiful Earth

This video has become quite popular the last few days, so if you've already seen it, my apologies...

The Illuminated Origin of Species

Teacher turned artist Kelly Houle has set herself to the task of creating an illuminated version...

User picture.
picture for Helen Barrattpicture for Eashwar Subramanianpicture for Oliver Knevittpicture for Gerhard Adam
Gunnar De WinterRSS Feed of this column.

... Now at a new blog, called The Beast, the Bard and the Bot.... Read More »


Figuring out the structure of DNA, and the ongoing research into its workings, have provided scientists with a lot of new knowledge. One of the, perhaps unexpected, new areas of research that have sprouted forth from this knowledge, is the area of DNA computing, where DNA molecules are used to perform computational operations.

On June 6th 2005, EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland) and IBM launched the Blue Brain Project, an ambitious attempt at simulating a mammalian brain down to a molecular level. Headed by professor Henry Markram, the Blue Brain Project, along with a dozen international partners, has recently proposed the Human Brain Project, with as ultimate goal the simulation of a human brain. Recently, the group has been awarded a grant of roughly 1.4 Euros by the European Commission to formulate a detailed research proposal. If the decision of the European Commission (expected in 2012) is favorable, up to 1 billion pounds could be awarded to the project…

In The Selfish Gene (1976), Richard Dawkins introduced the word ‘meme’ (derived from the Greek word mimema, roughly translates as ‘something imitated’) to denote “a unit of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation.”

It turned out to be a good meme itself. Since its introduction, it has spread quickly, and, by now, most people have been exposed to the term somewhere, from newspapers to conversations with friends and relatives to academic publications. In the past few decades, memes have become a field of study.



May 29 2011 | comment(s)


Well, I guess that’s a fairly appropriate word to begin my first blog post. However, it’s a specific type of ‘hello’, the careful, tentative kind that is uttered by a young child that enters a dark room after the inner battle between his (or her, no sexism here) fear and curiosity was (barely) won by the latter. And indeed, honesty commands me to confess that this simple five-letter word has caused me considerable stress. Sleepless nights, nail-biting, leg-trembling and the like, all because of this ‘hello’. (Granted this is exaggerated, but not that much.)