Caffeine drinks are in some kind of arms race and as caffeine levels escalate, so do reports of caffeine overdose. It's not just those terrible-tasting energy drinks, it's also in snacks, candy, and even chewing gum. has  tracked caffeine levels for the past 8 years and found that the number of caffeinated products does not appear to be slowing down. According to editor Ted Kallmyer, “We’re now tracking over 1,000 items, and among those are some products with very high levels of caffeine. They are clearly targeted to the teen market.”

Teens? Then caffeine may be the next Big Tobacco-style lawsuit. EnergyFiend itemized a list of products with caffeine, some of them with more than 300 mg:

1. Rage Inferno- 375mg/bottle
2. Spike Shotgun- 350mg/can
3. Wired X344- 344mg/can
4. Knockout Energy Drink- 320mg/can
5. Redline Extreme Lime RTD- 316mg/bottle
6. Speed Stack Pumped- 300mg/bottle
7. Spike Shooter- 300mg/bottle
8. Viso Vigor- 300mg/bottle
9. Redline Grape RTD- 250mg/bottle
10. Redline Princess 250mg/bottle

Left out of that list: A 20 oz. "venti" (that's 20 in Italian) coffee from Starbucks is 415 mg and a 20 oz. Dunkin' Donuts Coffee with Turbo Shot is 436 mg. So it isn't just energy drinks overcaffeinating people, it is that no one drinks just a regular cup o' joe any more. A 16 oz. coffee "McCafe" coffee from McDonald's only has 145 mg - less than half that of the same-sized Starbucks - which means McDonald's apparently uses less coffee and more water than you get from the Mr. Coffee in your house.

Consuming too much caffeine, like most anything, can have dangerous consequences, as evidenced by recent claims of deaths attributed to too much caffeine at one time. Kallmyer adds, “Caffeine is a drug and just like all OTC substances, it has to be respected and understood. From the financial costs of being addicted to energy drinks or Starbucks to the uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms that can result from not getting a daily dose, it is wise to be educated about how caffeine interacts with the human body and the ramifications of ingesting too much.”