Between 2000 and 2010, native-born Californians had fewer children and a giant chunk of the middle class fled the state, but California's population still grew by 3,390,000.

The state is expected to add another 13 million people by 2050, according to estimates by the California Department of Finance.  The increase, based on U.S. Census Bureau and California Department of Public Health data, is going to be driven by mass immigration and births to immigrants. During the 2000 to 2010 period, 2,580,000 immigrated to California and 2,474,300 births were to immigrants, according to Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS), an advocacy group dedicated to the ultimate social authoritarian policy - stopping human population growth.

The group, founded in 1986, wants California to remain just like it was the week before they moved to the state. More people mean a terrible environment, they believe. To protect the air, water and land in California, they want American immigration policy to become more like Europe, and not let children of illegal immigrants be citizens just by being born. And enforce immigration laws rather than encourage illegal immigration by doing another round of amnesty.

The link between population growth and environmental degradation is made often in retrospective studies, which is why they aren't really considered valid, but clearly more people living better lives is the hallmark of progress. Activists worried about the environment don't want better lives unless it means fewer lives too. More people means more cars, trucks and buses, more air pollution, more parking lots and less green spaces. In their progressive dystopian future, there are more chemicals, more trash and more runoff cascading down super sewers into our streams, lakes and oceans means more damage to California's biodiversity hot spots. Plus, more people means more pressure on declining water supplies. 

"Part of the solution to reversing California's environmental decline, while not politically correct or convenient, is certainly simple," Jo Wideman, Executive Director of Californians for Population Stabilization, said in their statement. "If we slow mass immigration, we can slow population growth and save some California for tomorrow." 

They launched television ads to celebrate Earth Day, running in Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco.  The TV ads feature a child asking the audience: "If Californians are having fewer children, why are there so many cars?"; "If Californians are having fewer children, why isn't there enough water?" The child concludes, "If Californians are having fewer children, where are all the people coming from?"  

And then the answer is obvious; immigrants are the problem, they say. And they want immigration to stop.