Search News Media has created an infographic which captures the evolution of publishing since the early 1400s. Starting from 1440 when Johannes Gutenberg invented the first printing press, on through the ages, highlighting greater innovation in publishing and the advent of newspapers, right up to today's digital age where online content is created and distributed globally in a matter of minutes, the unique infographic offers a fantastic snapshot of how publishing has changed over the centuries. 

The infographic also illustrates how publishing, thanks to the advent of digital publishing, has removed the traditional barriers to entry, making it possible for anyone to become a publisher in the modern day.

 Dale Lovell, Publishing Director at Search News Media, said, "Publishing over the centuries has changed immeasurably. We thought that an infographic was a great way to clearly illustrate those changes.  Today, with the advent of self-publishing platforms and social media distribution channels, any individual, brand or business can now become a publisher. There are very few barriers to entry." 

 The Evolution of Publishing infographic also points towards the future of publishing. For example, the infographic highlights Content Marketing Institute research which suggests that 9 out of 10 organisations now look to content marketing, as well as highlighting the fact that Google Panda algorithm changes makes publishing online content on your website or blog a necessity for search engine optimization success.