LONDON, February 1 /PRNewswire/ -- A new walk in walk out ultrasonic sculpting procedure has increased demand for male breast reduction. According to figures released by Dr Ravi Jain, Medical Director of award winning Riverbanks Clinic, 90% of men who chose to undergo treatment at his clinic in 2009, opted to have their moobs reduced and sculpted using the life changing Vaser Ultra Sculpt treatment that allows 86% patients to go back to work within three days.

Gynecomastia, the development of abnormally large mammary glands in males is a common condition that affects up to 60% of men. Unlike traditional surgical male chest reduction, Dr Jain uses ultrasonic energy that removes unwanted fat through minimal incisions (2-3mm diameter) and enhances the visibility of the underlying musculature. Dr Jain also removes the underlying breast gland to create a flat and defined chest creating results that can usually only be achieved by undergoing major surgery that requires general anesthetic and weeks of painful recovery.

But how can the dramatic trajectory for male breast reduction be explained? Dr Jain suggests that men have been suffering in silence for many years and the decision to opt for surgery has little to do with vanity. The average age of the men I treat is 40. They have been distressed about their condition since their teens or early 20's. Vaser Ultra Sculpt provides an effective alternative to surgery with minimal recovery time that enables them to get back to work quickly. This is the most rewarding treatment we offer because it is life changing and restores confidence that has been destroyed through years of suffering.

A Riverbanks patient who recently had the ultrasound moob sculpting treatment said After researching male breast reduction surgery on the internet, I decided to opt for ultra sonic sculpting due to minimal downtime and recovery period. Also a big factor was that I was awake and able to talk to the surgeon whilst the procedure was being carried out. Since my op I have made very good progress and the results have been life changing.

Note to Editors

Dr Ravi Jain is the UK and European Trainer for Vaser Liposelection. He is Medical Director of award-winning Riverbanks Clinic one of the UK's leading clinics for non-surgical cosmetic and dermatological treatments. Dr Jain is available for media interviews and comment.

SOURCE: Dr Ravi Jain

CONTACT: Media Contact: Lynne Thomas @ Flipside PR, +44(0)207-631-5180,, Riverbanks Clinic, +44(0)1582-762877