MOSCOW, October 12, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- The forum of independent software developers announced the end of the Ninth Annual Autumn Conference ISDEF'2010 that took place from September 30 through October 3, 2010 in Moscow. This year, over 250 people from over 10 countries of the world took part in its work, including owners, top managers and leading experts of IT companies and dotcoms, representatives of Western and Russian investment funds, marketing specialists, PR experts and journalists.
The Autumn Conference 2010 was entitled Soft 2.0 and was dedicated to the analysis of the situation on the Russian and international software market and development problems of IT companies within the structure of this market. Event organizers indicated three largest trends on today's market that determined the three main areas of interest of the conference: clouds and visualization (SaaS), social networks and communities, and mobile technologies.
These and other topics were discussed in sections dedicated to developers support programs, business growth, marketing, PR, tax consulting, HR, and bank relations. A lot of attention during the conference was paid to the study of fiscal policies of various countries and business support abroad.
The investment section of the Autumn Session of ISDEF'2010 was held jointly with Garage Startup educational program for businessmen. The section participants were given an opportunity to present their projects aimed at attracting investment and get evaluation and advice from experts of six investment funds. Besides, the issues of cooperation between IT companies with banks and consulting companies, return on investment, and work opportunities for investors and consultants in the area were also discussed within the framework of the section.
We are satisfied with the results of this year's Autumn Conference, and we hope that in the future ISDEF Forum will bring together leading representatives of the international IT market to discuss vital issues and exchange valuable experiences, said Mikhail Filippenko, Chairman of the Board of ISDEF'2010.
PR Newswire Europe is the official news distribution partner of the Forum (Alexandre Bykov is PRNe's representative in Russia)
About ISDEF:
ISDEF was formed in late 2002. It immediately established itself as an organization to be taken seriously, holding the first ISDEF Conference in September of the same year, which was attended by more than 250 developers, journalists, resellers, owners of software archives and others.
More info
Contact info: Eugenia Konareva Buman Media E-mail: Tel: +7-926-843-66-14
CONTACT: Contact info: Eugenia Konareva, Buman Media,, Tel: +7-926-843-66-14