Tree Thunderchild
About Tree
High tech Mountain Man,Programmer,Artist,Patented Inventor,Horse rider (former musher). Lowest score on a mechanical aptitude test was 97% (due to not knowing the names of some masonry tools etc.
High tech Mountain Man.
Is the union of two worlds. One of ancient wisdom, of living with the earth, as we did successfully enough to get us here doing so since humans first appeared, with modern science (all of them).
It has resulted in a life long study of living an independent yet interdependent lifestyle, orientated towards (but not limited to) self sufficiency. It is to live miles from the nearest road, in a tipi, with 3 IBM computers in it, decades before .com became a household word.
To not be fanatical about only one lifestyle, but to incorporate the best of human knowledge together, to live as a human on earth, in the best and most efficient and effective ways possible. To evolve.
As it is often the case like when mechanics join chemistry, we can create an internal combustion engine, where innovations that are interesting separately, come together, to create something new.
So while some things separate may be old inventions or innovations, they can combine to become something new. So yes, I have spent most of my life in the wilds, living with and among wild animals. eating wild plants, sleeping under the stars.... this did not stop me from using solar panels to run a 12 volt cooler, to make ice cubes using the hot sun of a 90+ degree F. day.
I can live with the earth, but 'roughing it' is for those who only have limited knowledge, of how to do so, in style.
After learning about vacuum tube binary computers, how they worked (I read a school science book cover to cover, the first week after they gave it to me for that class for the year).so by the time it was being discussed, I was able to talk in class about the hand wound relay binary computer I made. Next thing I knew I was programing the 4 Story HoneyWell computer between the Apollo missions. That was when I was 12, I'm 52 now.
From what I know, I created the worlds first known xhtml1.1 valid site + shopping cart (database driven, cms etc). I am not sure if I did that before or after the w3c declared xhtml1.1 an official language asking the www convert all its html pages to xhtml1.1
Basically I make programs that make website, I tend to do so lucidly in php5, cgi, etc.
. I make them in xhtml1.1, because I'm not out to follow the old rules, but use the new ones, preferably before they are even finished being invented..
You cant get ahead of the herd if your following it
That can also apply to human evolution.
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Energy self reliance, why make your own wind generators?Evolution + Creation = Both True?
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