First: there is an All England squid catching championship. Did you know that? I did not know that.
Second: the weather this year was so bad the competitors were almost completely skunked. Almost.
Third: This is the cutest trophy shot I have EVER SEEN.

Photo: Robin Howard/BNPS
According to The Telegraph,
Reigning champion Davide Thambiturai spotted a tiny specimen on his squid jig lure just as he was about to cast off again. Davide, who won last year's event with a 61cm squid, took a photo and measured it at just a third of an inch long before throwing it back and carrying on with the competition. But, as no other squid was caught, the microscopic creature stormed into first place and claimed Davide the 2012 title and trophy and a new 210 pounds rod.So, fourth: the winning catch actually survived the tournament. No squid were harmed in this year's squid catching championships!