In the previous post, the two-photons-whirl was introduced in the quite physical and quite rational way.

The two-photons-whirl concept does require deeper/broader analysis, development, investigation, but that  simply cannot compromise this concept.

Not only that this concept – that the photons are the basic building blocks for inertial-mass-particles and charged particles, actually, that the elementary particle which has inertial mass and charge is the two-photons-whirl – is both logically and physically completely plausible, but there does not exist any logical, rational, and physical argument against this concept.

The two-photons-whirl enables quite comprehensive reasoning, rational reasoning, about anything that concerns fundamental physical phenomena, and up. And concerning the issues which are still unresolved, it immediately opens the reasonable how-and-why possibilities/directions for solutions.

Let’s make a brief survey:


After introducing the two-photons-whirl, we know what matter essentially is. Before, each elementary material particle was considered to be something completely different, something special, a unique kind of manifestation of existence, and which could mysteriously fall apart into-photons, and which could also, mysteriously, emerge from -photons. After introducing the two-photons-whirl, there is no mystery anymore – just real science.


We do not know the very details of inner ticking of a photon, but we know that it is an elementary EM-oscillation, and we know that it behaves also mechanically, that is, it exchanges momentum/energy with other particles. And now – after introducing the two-photons-whirl concept – we know why other kinds of particles behave in the wave-particle way: the wave-particle behavior of the elementary inertial-mass (the two-photons-whirl) is caused by the wave-particle behavior of the photons which constitute that inertial-mass.


By introducing the two-photons-whirl:

- the spin is the spin, in its original, commonsense meaning,

- the inertia, that is, the inertial mass is explained in unprecedented and at the same time completely clear, comprehensive way, in the most explicit way ever. Actually, this is the first time that inertia is at all explained – so far it was the mysterious property of matter, and inertia was considered as the synonym for mass. In contemporary physics, the photon was forbidden to have mass, because it is non-inertial entity. Namely, since the Einstein’s SR equation for mass shows that mass increases with velocity and that it cannot reach the velocity c, and photon moves with that velocity, then the scientists reached the consensus: “photon cannot have mass – it is massless particle”. That confusion, that is, that inconsistency, is completely resolved by explanation given in The gem (5), that, essentially, the mass is the electromagnetic phenomenon::  , and that the photon has the mass, which – in the case of a photon – is just the non-inertial mass. And then it was explained – by introducing the two-photons-whirl –  that the photon’s non-inertial mass is the origin of inertial mass. And inertia was then finally properly explained. So, now, everything is consistent. (And later – in the next post – we will also deal with SR, and make things clear there, too).

The two-photons-whirl concept makes the  spin --- inertial mass  connection/dependence obvious, makes it almost trivial. In current physics, explanation of that dependence was tried through the invention of the whole new imaginary sub-Planck-level world, the new, deeper, undetectable kind of existence, known as the strings, superstrings, …, and then, later, that explanation was replaced with another “explanation”, achieved through visionary upgrade of QM, that is, with QCD. Well, now – with the two-photons-whirl concept, with that completely physical, realistic concept – we have the true explanation (meaning, the explanation in the real sense of the word explanation).


Concerning the stability of the two-photons-whirl, beside its implicit explanation by the fundamental derivation of Gaussian in the previous post, there is another stability enhancing possibility: the two-photons-whirl may be some sort of phase-locked-loop.


The stable photons-whirl is, most probably, some kind of elementary circular standing EM-wave.

An appropriate folding of E and M components of the photons in a photons-whirl would produce an electrically charged particle (the reasonable basis, and also experimental basis for this was given in the previous post).

So, now, we know what the charge actually is. Charge is not some special, separate, axiomatic  quality – the special quality is the essential property of existence: electromagnetic duality. It is not the charge which is the source of electric component of that duality. It is opposite – the appropriate superposition of elementary E and M components of two-photons-whirl creates that what we call charge.

Another appropriate folding could produce an electrically neutral particle.

How exactly does that happen? Well, that is something that has to be discovered. But now, we know exactly in what direction we should go with our investigation, what (and why) we have to look for. In other words, we can rationally, reasonably, think about it within the realm of existing, real and known phenomena (we do not need to invent some “higher/deeper” over-rational principles, “higher/deeper” realities, …).


If someone would argue that the „annihilation“ of a slow electron and a slow positron results with just two -photons, that would be easy to explain:

- it is the resonant, perfect (precise, accurate) match, whose result is:

one photon of the electron and one photon of the positron merge into one photon, and the rest two photons merge into the other photon. These new photons have higher energy (bigger mass), which affects their lengths. Also, the allowed-velocities-distribution is affected. Also, the whirl-radius is affected. All of these changes together disturb the geometry and balance of whirling enough to cause that these new photons – two of them – fly away.

In other words, the reasonable and the easiest explanation of the fact that the result of “annihilation” are two photons, actually requires (demands) the two-photons-whirl concept.


The energy exchange between a photons-whirl, that is, between the elementary inertial-(charged)-mass, and some other such particle manifests itself as the classical kinetic energy exchange, as long as that exchange does not become so intensive, or resonant to cause the transformation or dispersion of the photons-whirl.


The „annihilation“, the nuclear processes (fission, fusion, radioactive decay), the electron-positron pair generation are, respectively, the processes of unformation (dispersion), reformation (transformation), formation of the photons-whirls.




Actually, the only thing that is hard to comprehend and/or hard to accept concerning the concept „an elementary particle is the two-photons-whirl“, is that it was never considered in physics so far.



Unification of physics


What is the simplest way possible to mathematically model the presence of something, or, in other words, what is the basic, the essential potential for influence of some object?

The more energy some object has, the more influence on another object it may exert, i.e., when they collide. So, the basic mathematical model should contain the direct proportionality to the energy  of an object.

In order to collide, the objects have to approach each other. The more near they are, the “danger” (or the expectation) of collision rises. So, the basic mathematical model should contain the reciprocal proportionality to the distance from the object.

In other words: if there is more of something (and the measure for that is the energy of that something), and if that something is more near to us, then that something will/can/does affect us more. This is what we experience every day.

So, the very basic mathematical model of the presence of something (of the essential potential for influence of something) would be the ratio  (where  is the energy of the object, and  is the distance from that object).

Beside that this was quite reasonable and understandable establishment and interpretation of , this  ratio is also something what appears on the fundamental level, on the photon-level: on several places in this post-series, we have already derived the equation

which may/could/should be interpreted like this: the force (influence) which a photon may exert is equal to the ratio of its current energy and its current length. So, the ratio of photon’s current energy and current length is the potential for influence of a photon.

With respect to the previous introduction/presentation of the measure of presence (of the potential to influence), this presentation is spatially constrained, to the size of a photon. This one is the most elementary one. The previous one contains the generalization of the spatial part: there, it is not the size of the object, but it is the distance from the object.

Though that ratio has the dimension of force, it is not the force. The force is the change of energy along length  – it stops acting as soon as there is no change of energy any more (as soon as energy distribution becomes constant along length), and the  is the measure of presence, or, the potential to influence.

Starting with the two-photons-whirl and up, the measure of presence describes, so to say, external behavior of inertial-mass bodies, which implies action at a distance.

What about the apparent singularity at  of  the model ? Well, for that we’d have to know the inner details of the two photons whirl, which are still unknown, but it is immediately noticeable that there should not be problems with that, since the center of any real whirl tends to be empty. And this should be also seen as one more argument in favor of the two-photons-whirl concept.

According to the definition of space, introduced in “The gem (5)” (and based on the physical facts, real facts, detectable/measurable facts), the only physically possible way for occurrence of the action at a distance is that the presence of matter does cause the change of and  properties of space. And, we know that the presence of matter affects and  properties of space: and  properties have higher values within an optical prism (or within any other material body), than they have in the free space.

And the deepest possible rational reason for the fact that and  behave in this way, was explained in “The gem (8)”, and what can be summarized like this:

The fundamental EM-properties of space are and  . These properties are variable (they have some minimal possible value:  and , and they can have values which are greter than these minimal values). The most fundamental physical cause of increase ofand  is an appropriate confrontation of two photons which have sufficiently high energies. In other words: two fundamental EM-energy-entities, by their appropriate confrontation, cause the increase of two fundamental EM-properties of space, and that increase can be such to enable the two-photons-whirl formation, that is, the formation of elementary constituents of that what we call matter. (The fundamental constituents of matter are electrons and quarks).

So, the confrontation of two photons is the primary cause for increase of and .  When the confrontation is such that the conditions for formation of a steady two-photons-whirl are fulfilled, then these conditions remain unchanged, that is, the and  remain increased – the stable whirl is the continuous (ongoing, lasting) non-direct (almost-direct) confrontation – in other words – it is the continuously confronting flow.

And, the and  can be also affected further, outside the two-photons-whirls, by superposition of influences of many two-photons-whirls. Actually, that would be the basic explanation of the increased values of and  within material objects. And, we also have another level of that superposition, the weakest one: the superposition of influences of many material objects.

Let us, briefly, recall the gravitational equations which were derived in „The gem (1)“, and let us pay attention to that what is the essential cause of change of time and length.

So, that essential cause, that influencer, is the ratio 


By the way, even the actual GR equations, i.e. the Schwarzschild's solution for gravitational time:

contain the same influencer.



Hence, according to all this, whatever the inner distribution of energy and and  of a two-photons-whirl may be, it has the external residual

which is the elementary cause of action at a distance.

So, the influences of the two-photons-whirl on and  properties of space, outside the two-photons whirl, should be some fuctions of the type

where  is the energy of the two-photons-whirl,  is the distance from the center of the two-photons-whirl.

This is the most basic way to model the behavior of and . And there are all indications that this is the way we should start that modeling.

At some observed point in space, which is at a distance r from a particle of type a, we’d have that the values of and  in that point are:

If we now bring another particle of type a, and set it to be at the same distance, , from the observed point in space, we’d have that the values of and  in that point are:

We will continue to add particles, assuming that they are all equally distant from the observed point. We could derive this in a completely proper way, namely to pile-up the particles in the spherical cluster, and to observe some arbitrary point outside that cluster, and to take the real distance of each particle in such cluster from the observed point. But, we won't do that now – we will just continue to add particles, taking that each of them is equally distant from the observed point. We could think of this as if we pile-up the particles in the spherical cluster, and take that their distance from the observed point is the distance among the observed point and the center of the mass of that cluster. We could consider that the observed point is far enough from the cluster, so that the error that we make is acceptably small. And later in this text, we will do the calculation for the real cluster, and show that the i.e. gravitational-time-equation-graph of that cluster, as we go away from the center, flows smoothly into the equation-graph which we will get using this, idealized approach. The finer the granularity of the cluster (the smaller the cluster-elements (which keep to be next to each other), so better the fit in the area near the center. Farther from the center (but not very far – it happens in the vicinity of the Schwarzschild radius) we have the perfect overlap.

For  particles of the type a, we’d have


If we now involve one particle of a type b, we’d have


For  particles of type a, and  particles of type b, we’d have


It should be now clear how would these equations look like if we’d have one more particle type: type c.

And that is enough – the, so to say, standard matter is composed of three types of particles: electrons, up-quarks, down-quarks.

Actually, it would had been sufficient if we’d used just one particle type, but we did it this way in order to prove exactly that – that we could had used just one particle type. And that proof will become obvious near the end of this derivation (where the energies of all different particles simply add up).

In the case of bodies of i.e. cannon-balls-size, the numbers , ,  are huge (they are multiples of  Avogadro-number).

So, for i.e.

we have

Since  is huge number, we have



and also,





So, if we accept the experimentally confirmed fact that the gravitational acceleration is



So, the gravitation is essentially an electromagnetic phenomenon.


the radially variable gravitational acceleration  is the consequence of the radially variable allowed (determined by  and ) velocity , so, which is the consequence of the radially variable lengthwise capacitance (electric permittivity) of space   and lengthwise inductance (magnetic permeability) of space . And radially variable  and  are the consequence of the superimposed influences of two-photons-whirls on  and . And the primary influence on  and  is the adequate confrontation of two photons, which causes the change (increase) of  and  in the area of confrontation, and that change enables the two-photons-whirl formation.

Well, this was the proper unification of physics (derivation of gravitation from the quantum-level up, that is, from the photons-confrontation which causes the increase of  and , which enables two-photons-whirl formation, and derivation of gravitation as the consequence of superposition of influences of two-photons-whirls on  and )

So, we have just -photons,  and , shortly  , or, written with English alphabet, gem. That is why this post series in named “The gem”. And it has quite appropriate meaning (in English).

(to be continued)