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Pantelleria, Its Magma Chamber And Possible Impact On Global Climate

My friend has written a paper on Pantelleria (which I am a co-author of), and I thought it was...

The Rapid Timescales Of Caldera Volcanism

A new study in Nature shows that Santorini may have reactivated roughly a century before the Minoan...

A Geologist's Experience (Accretionary Wedge 41)

For the 41st Accretionary Wedge Ron Schott asked for "the most memorable or significant geological...

The Changing Composition Of The Eyjafjallajökull Eruption

As I have a long train journey and not much to do, I can use it to write about this recent open...

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For those of you who are not geologists, a tuff is a volcanic rock, made up of solidified ash. Hence the pun as my blog title. Actually, my research involves very little tuffs. Lots of lavas,... Read More »

What goes on underneath the most deadly volcanoes?  As my PhD investigates the processes that occur below the ground on Santorini, I thought I would try to explain some of what goes on under every active volcano.
Almost a year ago I started my PhD with fieldwork on Santorini, Greece.  As I am currently planning a second round of fieldwork, I though it was time to write up my first trip.
A recent BBC docu-drama called 'Atlantis' recreated the last days of the Bronze Age civilisation on the island of Thera (now known as Santorini), that I've meant to blog about for a while now.  This program, along with a more traditional 'Timewatch' documentary, argued that the eruption in roughly 1600 B.C.
The theme of the latest Accretionary Wedge (a carnival of geoblogs) is “Throw me your ‘favorite geologic picture’ mister”, so here is mine:

Volcanic bomb on Santorini
Usually, I don't think it is worth pointing out everything the media gets wrong.  I don't think it is particularly constructive concentrating on what's wrong, better to simply try and write well about science myself.  However, there occasionally appears such an impressive collection of scientific myths that something really needs to be said about them.  This video from CNN is one of them.