Alan Turing 1912-1954

Alan Turing an autisitc guy from the glory days of Autism before the Rain Man Era Curse was able to absently overcome autism and like many of us learned a different kind of human thought process the results were OUTSTANDING -he was father of the computer!  The Biography of his Life, the book, The Enigma (1983 Hodges) is the blueprint for autism we all absently followed. Had Autism not been blowen away with Rain Man and forced to become a buzzword and a puzzle  and indeed an Empire of ignorance like it is today man would be have the depths of his mind figured out. 

Turing had Top Secert clerance and roamed the corroridors of power on both sides of the Alantic and hob knobed with Chruchill and Roosevelt  as he developed his computer (Bombie) that was used to break Hitlars War codes and eventually help win the war. Since Turing was odd and strange and never realy fit in and yes he was even gay his work was claimed as British secet service work. You can't have a  gay guy winning a war after all. 

Gay makes a great fit for Autism as the "Queer Eye for the Straight guy" ideal  is our social skills lession most autisitc people never get. Yes there is a different culture when you grow up gay. This charm school made Turing tollerable ,otherwise he would have been a savant that would have been too "geek" to talk to. 

All Alan did  when he invented the computer is just copy the nitty grity workings of the human mind the autism mind we figured out by happenstance. The human mind is not all that complicated and is a big picture chart that talks. Those Picture thoughts Temple Grandin talks about are just minor Autism thoughts and we BUILD on hers. None have been in a text book before and once we learn them they prove to be the long hand version of human thoughts. When we water them down normal shortcut thoughts you know and love as normal are the result.

Naturally this Autism being the building block of the mind theory doesn't hold water. The thoughts have never been in a text book before, The normal traditional mind is ignorat  that  these building block thoughts even exist.  It has neverknowingly seen them build complie and work and then convert to normal . Humans have missed the foundation of the mind despite using it everyday of their lives. Autism is everything from MR/DD to Einstein and the mind all mapped out.

No matter what we figured out no one can over come the mass ignorance factor of the human population in general. So much of our theory is "junk " as it has never been peer reviewed and never will be as it is all new news to psychology. Peer Review is truely worthless unless it is a means to scrach someone's back, as for innovation Peer Review does a great job at preventing it.

Thank you Alan for being our autism hero and like so much of your misunderstood life, we follow in your footsteps just out of the grasp of the traditional human.  Rich Shull