A loose quote or two from and old Autism of America  handout sheets that were pre Rain Man.

"Non cuddly babies that will not move to be comfortable in mothers arms"

"pain toleance - shows no reaction to pain" 

Of course with normal people investigating autism and claiming to be the expert authority on autism they just assume our Pain Tolerance is psycho somatic . OR they think we are too stupid to even register the pain.  Unless they lived our pain tolerance , (experience is the only teacher) they flow threw life puzzled to some degree of our pain tolerance. Of Course they sluff it off only leaving the Emergency room and X ray staff with their mouths wide open as they see the shocking X rays we produce from injuries we never felt.

I just got out of the E.R with a broken hand for as bad it was smashed it was not all that painful. It SHOCKED and awed the E.R. crowd as my many E.R. visits had done, before this one.  The autism experts used to know of our Pain Tolerance and everything from asthma attack we never knew we had until the last stages when we fainted to lactose intolerance presenting as serious trouble was understood. Even the late Dr Rimland who's mission (part of) was the leaky gut thing never knew of the autism pain tolerance. If he did know of the pain tolerance all of his leaky gut issues that made so much fame for him would  have been a moot point.

Autism Expets never ran marathons with out Walls as Alan Turing  did and even boastd to his mother every one else was in agony and I didn't even hurt. (pain tolerance)  I didn't even hurt was once a common phraze I said as well. I have ridden some 10,000 miles on a bicycle in my life and I often towed a trailer with my bike and rode 30 miles a night and prided my self on climbing hills in high gear, and never knew I was killing my joints and doing more harm than good. We only feel 7-8-9-10 on the pain scale.  When My Knee was swelled so big it would not move and finally did hurt like hell ,It was fixed and the doctor notes it was the worst knee he ever seen. What really shocked him was the fact I walked into his office three days later with out pain or crutches . I should have been shocked too. 

Our Anthropogy is filled with these stories, from all over the world. Naturally none are 'understood' . Contemporary autism is so messed up that this ground breaking research potiential is never investigated, and old people like me that actually did figure out autism will not be admitted to ;we are bad for the big business of Autism. How can Autism be so big and the platform so many experts work from if the old autisitc people are admitted to?  Admit to us and see the new diagnosis standards largely invented by Dr. Rimland Father of the movie Rain Man and see what he left out / then you will discover WHY autism is such a puzzle. Factor in the the old Autism time purposely forgot and autism is a puzzle solved and indeed the next 1000 chapters in psychology ready to be harvested.    Rich Shull