From the dark ages of autism when we did some sort of traditional life. 

Experience is the only teacher in life and the experts of autism just can't fathom the ideal (nor can contemporary medicine) of a pain free human.  Perhaps we were the circus acts of time gone by. Pulling a rail road car with your teeth or being shot from a cannon might have been easier if you didn't feel too much.  Even Old Pre Rain Man Autism publications were a-buz with non cuddly babies and the storys of us falling from trees 'unhurt'. 

I started out life "on the farm as a mechanic" and broke nearly every bolt I touched. I was often called upon to loosen the rusty bolts.  I heard the bolt autisitcally -think decibel meter- give away and then I gave it the torque and it came loose.  The bolts I didn't break were the typically the very big bolts or the good grade bolts. When I grew tired of Fixing my mistakes I started using a torque Wrench. It is a mechanical devise designed to "give away" when a pre set torqure is reached .

I was shocked to discover 20 ft lbs didn't even register with me as finger tight.  It was 80 foot lbs. before I felt something was getting tight. No wonder I broke so many bolts! 

The Test,

If you present the autisitic kids with a series of Bolts of random sizes and qualities and give them a simple wrench I predict they will break the lesser bolts with out so much as a grimace or a shrug. Only the bigger stronger bolts will not be broken and those will finally get a reaction from us. 

NOTE,As people from all over the world find our Anthropology of Gay autisitc people on line there are definately two groups. Those that picutre think  and have the pain tolerance and those that have no clue to what picture thought is and they don't have a pain tolerance. Reinstitute the OLD autism diagnosis standards and you will see old autism had the pain tolerance issue in it. 

The new autism diagnosis standards are way too lax and even looking crosseyed gets you the diagnosis today. My Point is OLD and new autism are different and when mixed cancel each other out under the idea were all stupid retards!  That ideal fits and the Experts that know us so well go home at night with a smile on their face and research money in their pocket all ignorant of the goldmine of pure human research they are sitting upon.

Contemporary autism is simply appauled with this bold idea and if it holds water and proved to be a true test for autism it would cripple the contemporary autism epedimic we know so well today.  The late Dr. Rimland of Rain Man Movie fame was espcially dismayed when I included this very test idea in my Banished book Autism Pre Rain Man Autism. At One time his Autism research Institute was keen on me and my book and I was considerd the next Temple Grandin until I refused to water down my experience to the new autism Ideal.  Rich Shull