Why should you not trust their claims? Because they said PFAS is in 48% of water. Maybe you think that is really high, but the reason not to trust their manufactured correlation is because it's actually far too low. It should be 90% but environmental lawyers chose the lowest figure they could, likely because they realized if people knew PFAS were everywhere, even in rural spring water, and 300% greater at night because of nature, juries would not be alarmed and hand them giant settlements.
The Biden administration was doing its part to help its political allies. He was in the running to surpass President Clinton as the most anti-science in history and he would have vaulted into first place if he'd served more than one term. Luckily for consumers who've already been penalized with 44% higher food prices due to government tinkering, the new regulation on PFAS in water was not enacted.

The Guardian in England remains the go-to newspaper for the anti-science left.
New EPA leadership should remove epidemiologists from being some kind of bizarre Supreme Court Over Science and call a halt to all new regulations and rethink recent ones, because none of them were based in science. They were instead all correlation but, thanks to rampant abuse of Chevron Deference - so alarming the Supreme Court finally undid it after 40 years of undermining evidence-based policies - all became laws without Congress or voters involved. All agencies had to do was engage in Mandate Creep and ask the President to change their mandate so it includes more and more power and they never need Congress. They have regulations.(1)
Using epidemiology, the Biden EPA went to court and asked the court to void old EPA scientific findings so they could create a new "level" for a weedkiller in water so low that any use would be illegal. The court was confused (at least officially, every judge knows that this stuff is) why EPA could overrule its own biologists, chemists, and toxicologists in favor of epidemiologists who just looked at other claims they hand-picked for their meta-analysis, but complied.
That sort of thing should stop. The Trump administration should not only undo the abuses of the last few years, they should get Congress to make sure it can never happen again. That would be a true public service for the country and provide a lot more real benefit than pretending current regulations of PFAS in water are causing people to keel over left and right.
Hysterical claims by environmentalists always need to be challenged with the same skepticism we show toward any political claim; where are the bodies?
(1) It is why US Fish and Wildlife under the Obama administration was able to punish a landowner in Louisiana - they told them, using a "study" with no published data that anyone can interpret - that the Mississippi Gopher Frog, which does not live in Louisiana, needed a habitat there. The Obama administration order the owner to tear down a forest and put up a new one. If they refused, they'd never get building permits to make housing for people who wanted to leave New Orleans before the next hurricane hit.
The Supreme Court voted unanimously against the federal government on that one and we were proud to have helped.