Mexican farmers know how to grow food, the last thing they want are urban activists and bureaucrats doing to food what they do to energy.
The second is that they know science is why America can export to Mexico and China cheaper than countries with low labor costs can grow it.

Not only is a GMO soybean better for the environment in every way than old versions like organic, GMO soybean oil causes less insulin resistance. Credit: H. Zell
For example, the US Department of Agriculture says soybeans accounted for 132,000 metric tons of exports to China and a whopping 239,492 metric tons went to Mexico. All while $3 billion in annual revenue for environmental groups oppose modern technology every step of the way. They have predicting doom and gloom for "GMOs" for the last 25 years, and yet weedkillers still have never caused an instance of cancer, not even in the largest study of farm workers ever done, a trillion animals have eaten them without so much as a stomachache, and a billion people eat them every day.
America is so prosperous that even "organic" food, which uses old pesticides with far less efficacy and results in lower yields, has grown to be a $135 billion Big Food industry. That wouldn't be possible without science making food affordable, it would still be the weird gimmick it was before Woo Commander-in-Chief President Clinton hadn't forced USDA to give them their own marketing department inside government.
All that in spite of environmentalists fundraising about the only science they accept - climate change - because that is a doomsday narrative and good for raising money.