Cook's Source is an old school sort of magazine - in that they think they are doing the online world a favor by copyright infringement.  For the benefit of their readers and advertisers and to the detriment of Monica Gaudio, whose work was stolen by someone at Cook's Source, they lifted her 2005 online article and published it.

Naturally, Gaudio complained.    The response:
an editor fired back that she should feel grateful because they edited it and cleaned it up, and "now it will work well for your portfolio."
Well, gosh Cook's Source, thanks so much for caring about bloggers, though I am pretty sure you can't steal their work and then insist you did them a favor.   

Yes, the magazine thinks "the Web is considered public domain" and "the article we used written by you was in very bad need of editing, and is much better now than was originally."

Gaudio posted the entire ridiculous story on her blog last night.   Well, assuming she wasn't pranked.  A comment on the Business Insider article says it is a one-woman show so it may not even be a real publication.  Certainly the 'grammar' of that 'editor' needs some fixing.