John Yan, editor at, has a son with autism and parents of kids with autism want to find things that can help little ones engage with the world around them.   

Where a PS3 and a regular Xbox were not much use for a little guy who can't use the controllers very well, Yan says he took to the Kinect right away.  
For the first time, I was able to play something with my son and not spend any time with him being frustrated on not being to do anything or have a character get stuck on the screen. He had fun with all the games and actually did well with them. The joy in his eyes as he was able to complete the tasks and move around in the menus is something I’ll never forget.
While he still struggles in communicating, I know there’s one thing he can do without having to deal with any of the frustrations Autism has brought upon in his life. And for me, that’s worth much more than the $150 I spent in picking up the peripheral.