Ok, let me get one thing straight, Dogs are not responsible for global warming, humans are.  I realise there is a vocal minority out there who are climate deniers, Like the environment minister for the Saudi government.  Talk about a biased source, the total existence of the Saudi government is dependent on the sale of oil.   Unfortunately those deniers out there resort to misinformation, and ad hominem attacks on those who have done the research.  Take that climate gate fuss.  Ok, so the guy wrote some nasty emails (who hasn’t?)  how does that change the facts?   This is science; we deal in facts, not in religious arguments.   

Before I was born a Scientist, Jeffery Masson wrote a book that was very damaging to the Freudian world view.  Masson was the former archivist for the Freud library so he had access to all of Freud’s writings.  The Freudian establishment attacked him personally in an ad hominem attack calling him a womanizer.   His response was wonderful:   “How does my being a womanizer change the facts about Freud?”

So my question is: How do the emails change the facts?  They don’t. If you don’t believe me check out the Union of Concerned Scientists website.  

You don’t have to believe me I’m just a Beagle. If you want to know the science behind you should read the UN report on climate change.

Ok, I know most of you won’t read the report and most of you who try to read the report will fall asleep by page 4, ( I did the first time i read it) so I am going to give you some scientific facts for you to consider.

Arctic Warming:   The Arctic is warming and in fact 2009 was the lowest extent of sea ice since satellite records began in 1979.  The current rate of decline in sea ice is 4.5% per year.  For more information and a detailed analysis check out the site:  http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/  

So, what does this mean? Well, the polar bear and other arctic species will have to adapt to the new warmer climate or become extinct.  Another worrying consequence is that when the arctic becomes warmer the northwest and northeast passages will be open and Humans will move in to exploit the resources that are currently hidden under the ice. This will result in a trail of pollution that will further stress the ecosystem and the arctic inhabitants.

We need to collect large number of DNA samples from the species in the arctic so that we can preserve their genetic diversity and perhaps when humans come to their senses we will be able to reintroduce these species back into the environment.  Dogs are pragmatic if we can’t save the arctic ecosystem perhaps we can save some of the major species DNA.

There is a really cool product from Watman that simplifies the collection and storage of DNA samples.   It is a paper product on which you put a blood or other sample and then simply fold it up and store it away. I won’t bore you with the science but this allows for simple collection and storage at room temperature of DNA samples for at least 20 years.  While i think storing tissue samples in liquid nitrogen is a better long term solution, the Watman FTA solution will allow more samples to be collected and the cost per sample will be much less.  Check it out at http://www.whatman.com/References/FTA%20DNA%20ArchivingDataSheet%20FINAL%203.25.10%20LR.pdf

Project Vulcan:  Those who don’t think humans are the cause of the CO2 in the atmosphere should check out the Project Vulcan website. They have some cool presentation of CO2 temporal distribution over the USA. You can see that the majority of the Atmospheric CO2 in the US is located where the people and industries are.   If you run the animation on hourly distribution you can see America respire CO2 like a living organism. This is trez cool! Check it out.


Global Climatic Change.  I feel this is a more accurate term than global warming because the planet’s warming is only one part of the equation. Issues of ecosystem collapse and pollution of the environment are just as important as an increased average temperature.   Beagles tend to look at the world as a closed ecosystem, that is what you do affects everybody else.  A human’s effect may be small but when you multiply that by the 6 billion plus humans you have a serious problem.   Humans also have created an artificial entity called a corporation to absolve them of the guilt of environmental damage.  

We often hear that it is those bad oil companies who are digging up Northern Alberta who are destroying the environment.  But if you go looking for this bad company to tell them to stop what you find is a bunch of  humans who say “ It’s not my fault, I only work here”  then you go to the humans that own the company I think they are called shareholders and ask them to stop destroying the earth they say “ it’s not our fault we are only shareholders we can’t do anything”   So you go to the people at the top and tell them to stop and they say: “we can’t! The shareholders demand profits the environment be dammed. If we don’t give them profits we’ll be out on our asses!”

So clearly, Humans are all mentally ill and living in a world of self-delusion.  Like lemmings they will keep running to the cliff secure with the illusion that it is not their fault.

As Dog’s see it blame is a waste of time, we all just have to get together and fix the problem. Are you listening humans?  Clean up your nest!