
The Subsidies Paradox: Affordable Food Versus The Environment

Food and energy are strategic resources and since conventional energy like oil is presumably finite, its extinction first said to be 30 years ago, the rationale has been to subsidize and mandate alternatives like solar and wind schemes. Food is also subsid ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Mar 1 2023 - 4:47pm

Climate Change, the Walrus and the Carpenter

I have recently watched two videos on climate change by Sabine Hossenfelder.  The first one deals with the understanding of the greenhouse effect.  It is far from being as simple as taught in schools, with young people appearing on television coming out wi ...

Blog Post - Robert H Olley - Mar 17 2023 - 5:46am

Pyrolysis: Using Phosphorus From Wastewater To Grow Better Crops

While modern weedkillers are great about using fewer chemicals and therefore less runoff into streams, the organic manufacturing process uses older, less effective compounds and that means on a calorie-per-calorie basis, the harm to the environment may be ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Jun 20 2023 - 10:49am

With No Evidence Of Harm, Taxpayers Will End Up Paying Environmental Lawyers For PFAS Litigation

With allied epidemiologists placed inside the US Environmental Protection Agency, and scientists pushed to the side, environmentalists feel like they are about to get a win when it comes to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) that have been common f ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Jul 18 2023 - 12:36pm

Kenyan Government Needs To Listen To Farmers- That Will Make Pesticide Usage Safer

In wealthy western breadbaskets like France and the United States, environmental groups who get donations from the $130 billion organic food industry claim it is viable everywhere else too. It's not just that they don't understand agriculture or ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Jul 28 2023 - 8:42am

Insecticides For Malaria Control Aren't Perfect- But It Beats Having Dead Children In Poor Countries

Malaria infects 250,000,000 each year and kills nearly 700,000. It is so rare in America that academics and activists can lament chemicals that kill mosquitoes which transmit it to humans, and even block mosquitoes engineered to prohibit reproduction, but ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Aug 30 2023 - 4:52pm

Unless Californians Reuse Cotton Shopping Bags For 136 Years, They're Worse For The Environment

California has banned plastic bags in grocery stores, a giant subsidy and mandate for the cloth bag industry. When government isn't manufacturing problems to solve, corporations often do it themselves. Some companies ban plastic straws now, when it i ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Sep 11 2023 - 4:26pm

11,000 Scientists + Micky Mouse Sign Climate Paper Without Fact Checking Cites- Carbon Tax Error- And Uncited Fate Of Humanity

This is not a high quality paper, it's riddled with errors. It should never have been on mainstream news or on TV. Those 11,000 scientists are not authors- they are just signatories and one of them is the illustrious professor Micky Mouse of the Mick ...

Article - Robert Walker - Sep 29 2023 - 9:40am

Is The CBD Industry Environmentally Sustainable?

With climate change a constant hot button issue, the rise of any new industry to a massive and global scale always attracts interested parties. The same has also been true for the CBD industry, which was globally valued over $500 million USD in 2020 and e ...

Article - Mark Pierce - Oct 9 2023 - 9:07am

The Azolla Event: when is a fern not a fern?


Blog Post - Robert H Olley - Nov 1 2023 - 1:06pm