Physics is one of the most remarkable scientific subjects there is. It incorporates many incredible discoveries, like The Quantum Leap, the Law of Falling Bodies, Universal Gravitation, and the Laws of Motion. 

However, understanding how extraordinary physics is doesn’t mean you’ll excel in physics-based study to enter your chosen scientific career field. This field can be complex, and grasping even the most basic physics concepts can take time and practice. If you’re passionate about physics and need to improve your comprehension to enhance your learning potential, take these actions: 

Request Extra Help

Even physics at a secondary level can be challenging to master. That’s why asking for extra help beyond what you receive in your physics lessons can be important. You can find a physics GCSE tutor online with Spires or ask a teacher if they provide extra lessons. 

If you’ve decided to request help from a tutor, think about the physics modules you’ve been struggling with. You can receive help understanding specific topics like thermodynamics, forces and motion, and space physics. 

Focus On the Basics

We can get so caught up in complex physics problems that we forget about the central theories most of them have in common. When you understand the basics of physics, you can typically apply them to nearly any physics problem you encounter in your studies or later career. There are at least four basic equations and their applications to master: 

  • Mass x Acceleration = Force

  • Initial Velocity + (Acceleration x Time) = Current Velocity

  • Mass x Velocity = Momentum

  • Displacement x Force = Work 

Brush Up On Your Mathematics Skills

Mathematics and physics go hand in hand. If you’re struggling with mathematics, there’s a chance you’ll also struggle with physics. Master one or the other, and you’ll often find that your weaker subject starts to make a lot more sense. 

While you’re in the process of improving your knowledge of physics, take the time to learn more about math problems and formulas. Many math topics can help you solve common physics problems, such as trigonometry, geometry, and algebra. 

Trigonometry can be useful for angled systems, force diagrams, and rotation problems, while algebra may make it easier to solve basic physics equations. Even geometry has its place, potentially making it easier to calculate volume, area, density, and mass. 

Memorize Physics Constants

Physics constants are values that will never change. Many physics problems include constants but won’t always provide you with the details of what those constants are. At a minimum, consider memorizing the following: 

  • The speed of light traveling through a vacuum: 983, 571,056 feet or 299,792,458 meters

  • The standard atmosphere: 101,325 Pascal

  • Earth’s gravitational pull: 9.8 meters per second squared

Remember Common Physics Symbols

The average physics problem can seem much more complex than it is if you aren’t familiar with the most common physics symbols. Take time to memorize these to potentially perform physics calculations faster: 

  • V = Volume

  • A = Area

  • C = Circumference

  • D = Distance

  • T = Time

  • G = Gravitational Acceleration

  • J = Joule

  • Pa = Pascal

  • M/s = Meters per Second

  • Rad = Radian 

Maximizing your physics learning potential can take time, effort, and dedication. However, you might start to make some impressive advancements by seeking help, dedicating time to study, and setting aside time for mathematics at the same time.