The concepts of a single classroom study came about after my module, now a published book, Naming and Writing Simple Inorganic Chemical Formulas was piloted to see if modular instruction on inorganic no1menclature will work and eventually decide to implement the use of the said module with our students.
Four (4) general chemistry teachers used the module as a self-study material for their students to learn inorganic compounds nomenclature. At the end of the semester, the teachers were asked about the module and the teachers affirmed its effectiveness. The study as a whole was not formally put into writing. However, one of the teachers put her findings formally into writing which she submitted as a required output of her Ph.D. study.  This gave me the idea of describing her study as single classroom study. The term was used by Martin (1979) in his study on a "general relationship between process and product variables in teacher effectiveness" to emphasize the venue of his study, in a classroom.

A Single Classroom Study is a descriptive study conducted in a classroom to enhance teaching and learning. This study may be conducted in order to profile students, describe students behavior (Martin, 1979), describe students academic achievement,identify students who need remediation, identify topics to be re-taught, decide whether or not to continue with a particular method or a particular instructional material, etc.

Going back to the use of the module.  Here, the findings of the teacher can be described as a single classroom study to help her decide whether or not to continue the modular instruction in teaching inorganic nomenclature.

The teacher used the (pre-experimental design one group) pretest-posttest design with t-test as a statistical tool.  In addition, a teacher-made questionnaire was administered to know the students background about inorganic nomenclature, their study practices in studying the module, and their recommendations on how the module can help them better.

The teacher found the modular instruction in teaching naming and writing inorganic chemical formulas effective in her class ( Suico, 2004).  

Though a single classroom study is not intended to generalize. The findings of Suico (2004) can help a teacher decide to consider and try modular instruction as an alternative method in teaching inorganic nomenclature.

Martin, J (1979). Effects of Teacher Higher Order Questions on Student Process and Product Variables in a Single Classroom study. Journal of Educational Research 72(4) pages 183-187 retrieved  from (published online on 04 Dec 2014)

Suico, M.L. (2004). Modular Instruction in Teaching Inorganic Nomenclature. Unpublished Ph.D. Assignment, University of the Philippines Open University.