TEL AVIV, Israel, November 10 /PRNewswire/ -- InspireMD, developers of the novel MGuard(TM) coronary stent system, announced today that MGuard(TM) was successfully implanted in a complex lesion in a live case at the TCT '08. The procedure was performed by Dr. Dariusz Dudek and was broadcast from Krakow, Poland. Additionally, InspireMD's Breakfast Meeting Symposium A New Approach to Treating Thrombus Containing Lesions (ACS, AMI and SVG) was met with great enthusiasm and excitement. Some of the world's leading interventional cardiologists and opinion leaders were among the speakers at the MGuard(TM) symposium and included Alexandre Abizaid MD, Yaron Almagor MD, Carlo Di Mario MD, Martin Leon MD, and Chaim Lotan MD.
The excitement over the MGuard(TM) stent system at TCT '08 commenced on the first day of the conference with Dr. Eberhard Grube's inspiring presentation on MGuard(TM): Coronary Stent Grafts and Micro Stents - The InspireMD Woven PET Polymer MGuard(TM) Stent Graft: Clinical Experiences in Saphenous Vein Grafts and Native Coronaries. Dr. Eberhard Grube is Professor of Medicine, Chief of the Department of Cardiology and Angiology at Helios Heart Centre in Siegburg, Germany and Consulting Professor in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine.
On the TCT '08 exhibition floor the InspireMD booth received much attention throughout the event and a constant stream of excited visitors enjoyed the demonstrations of the novel MGuard(TM) coronary stent system. Interventional cardiologists eager to implement this approach in a variety of lesions and indications approached the InspireMD staff and inquired about distributors in their countries in order to request the MGuard(TM) at their local hospitals for ACS, AMI and SVG procedures claiming they had many patients they could treat with the MGuard(TM) stent system.
On Wednesday, October 15th, the third day of the TCT event, MGuard(TM) was implanted in a complex PCI procedure broadcasted live from Krakow, Poland to TCT '08 attendees. The procedure was performed by Dr. Dariusz Dudek and moderated by Dr. Martin Leon. The patient was suffering from an acute MI (heart attack) and initial angiography demonstrated a large thrombus obstructing the right coronary artery. MGuard(TM) was successfully delivered in an extremely complex procedure involving the use of new imaging techniques aimed to locate the best site to deploy the stent. When asked about the case and his experience with the MGuard(TM), Dr. Dudek stated: We performed direct stenting on a patient with an acute myocardial infarction and a very large thrombotic lesion. We used an MGuardTM stent which covered the entire thrombus, preventing defragmentation and massive embolization. The final result was very good with a final TIMI 3 flow and a very good myocardial blush. I think that the MGuardTM stent system helped us to achieve very good results in a very difficult set up.
The MGuard(TM) breakfast meeting symposium A New Approach to Treating Thrombus Containing Lesions (ACS, AMI and SVG) was a great sensation. The meeting room was filled to its maximum capacity while additional attendees stood and listened in the halls outside the room. Dr. Martin Leon chaired the meeting and presented MGuard(TM) solutions for current stenting problems such as distal macro and micro embolization, axial displacement, persistent intra-luminal narrowing, and increased neointimal hyperplasia. Dr. Abizaid presented the outstanding interim results of the ongoing Brazil multi-center GUARD study and Dr. Artur Dziewierz from Dr. Dudek's clinic presented excellent preliminary study results from the ongoing MGuard(TM) STEMI MAGICAL (MGuard(TM) in SVG and Native Coronaries) trial in Krakow, Poland. Additional speakers and panel members at the meeting included Yaron Almagor MD, Chaim Lotan MD, and Carlo Di Mario MD. The panel discussions included the promise and future potential of MGuardTM carotid and peripheral. At this dynamic meeting, it was agreed by key opinion leaders from around the world that the MGuard(TM) is feasible for the treatment of thrombus containing lesions especially in Acute MI and SVG.
About MGuard(TM) Coronary
The MGuard(TM) Coronary stent presents a novel combination of a coronary stent merged with an embolic protection device. The embolic protection device is comprised of an ultra-thin polymer mesh protective sleeve, wrapped around the stent. The protective sleeve is composed of a micron-level-fiber knitted net, engineered in an optimal geometric configuration and designed for utmost flexibility while retaining strength characteristics of the fiber material. The sleeve is designed to expand seamlessly when the stent is deployed, without affecting the structural integrity of the stent, and to prevent plaque detachment during and post procedure. The MGuard(TM) Coronary stent provides long acting embolic protection, without adding complexity during delivery. The net is designed to diffuse stent pressure on the vessel wall and, thereby may reduce injury and lower the likelihood of restenosis. MGuard(TM) is CE Mark approved.
The MGuard(TM) Coronary's innovative concept has enjoyed an enthusiastic welcome from leading interventional cardiologists around the world.
About InspireMD
InspireMD, Ltd. is an innovative medical device company focusing on the development and commercialization of its proprietary stent system technology, MGuard(TM). The company intends to apply its technology to develop products used in interventional cardiology and other vascular procedures. InspireMD's mission is to utilize its proprietary technology to make its products the industry standard for stents and to provide a superior solution to the key clinical issues of current stenting procedures: restenosis, embolic showers, and late thrombosis.
In addition to providing embolic protection and minimizing arterial injury, this promising future technology is aimed at providing an effective and uniform drug delivery mechanism with the help of the novel micron-level net for next generation drug eluting stents. InspireMD intends to pursue applications of this technology both for bare metal and drug eluting stents in coronary, carotid and peripheral artery procedures. For further information visit
Contact: Jonina Ohayon Marketing Director Tel +972-52-5791120
Contact: Jonina Ohayon, Marketing Director, Tel +972-52-5791120,