UTRECHT, Netherlands, June 15 /PRNewswire/ -- The largest worldwide investigation into connection, carried out in 14 countries among 10,000 respondents, indicates that strongly connected people have more enjoyment in their life and work. They are not only happier, but also more successful. Strongly connected people know better what they want in life, and also how they can achieve it. The investigation, carried out by intoconnection, proves that connection has an enormous positive influence on people's lives. intoconnection is therefore starting a worldwide campaign on 21 June to inspire people to connect themselves with others.

Great Britain trails behind on connection

intoconnection carried out research into the question of what it means for people to be strongly or weakly connected. Because of the international character of the research it is not only possible to measure connection in each country, but also to compare countries with each other. The 14 countries investigated were China, Japan, the USA, Russia, Germany, Great Britain, France, Spain, South Africa, Argentina, Israel, Turkey, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Great Britain scores below average, and therefore stands near the bottom of this list of countries. Only last-placed Japan scores lower on connection. On top of the list are the Argentinians and South Africans.

Connection begins with yourself, but is dependent on others

The most important insight that the investigation has provided is that every relationship of connection can be strengthened by investing in 'connection with yourself', meaning that you have a clear image of what you want and what you are capable of. The more and the better one's self-knowledge, the stronger one is connected with others, with the organisation where one works and with society. The theory of connection indicates that people can only increase their self-knowledge in relation to other people. People therefore need each other. Connection with others is characterised by openness, genuine interest and the courage to express criticism.

Research results for Great Britain

The research indicates that the British are less well connected overall. Connection with oneself and with others in particular are lower; connection with the organisation scores average in relationship with other countries. When it comes to connection with others the British are less critical. They do not address issues directly, and they do not like to confront those around them with their weaknesses. Conversely, they also do not like to get feedback from others. In short, the British are not greatly inclined to learn from one another. The British see their Queen Elizabeth as the most important connecting influence for their country.

Degree of connection has economic consequences

If people do not invest in the development of connection with themselves (knowing what they want and what they are capable of) this does not only have negative consequences for social cohesion, but also economic consequences. Strongly connected people experience more enjoyment in their work, perform better and are more successful within the organisation where they work.

Spreading the message of connection

With the slogan 'Inspire to connect', intoconnection is starting a campaign to raise people's awareness of the power of connection. 'Together we'll build a brighter future', says initiator Salem Samhoud, 'We need a better future, and connection between people is the starting point for this. I would advise anyone who thinks this sounds vague to read the research results at http://www.intoconnection.com. It is now indisputable that connected people are happier and more successful.'

The theory of connection is described in detail in the book that will be launched in 14 world cities on June 21, with the campaign 'intoconnection Goes Glo-Ball', and is illustrated with reference to the results of the research into connection. People will be made aware of the power of connection through the distribution of 14,000 'blue balls of connection'. The cities of Beijing, Berlin, Brussels, Buenos Aires, Cape Town, Istanbul, Jerusalem, London, Madrid, Moscow, New York, Paris, Tokyo and Utrecht will be visited in the campaign.

intoconnection presents Wintoconnection

intoconnection still has three tickets available for the visit to the 14 world cities on 21 June 2009. Entrants who make out the best case for the city they want to visit, in terms of its power of connection, are invited to join the campaign there. Further information on the campaign can be found at http://www.intoconnection.com.

For more information on the research into connection and the intoconnection initiative, please contact Petra Vos: tel. +316-22408873 or e-mail p.vos@samhoud.com; The spokespersons for intoconnection are: Salem Samhoud, initiator: tel. +316-22796545 or e-mail s.samhoud@samhoud.com.