NORTHAMPTON, England, March 28, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Document management software provider, Invu has released a White Paper on invoice processing entitled "Purchase to pay ( Automation - Overcoming paper in an efficient and electronic world."

While many companies now use accounting or ERP systems to digitise and hold all purchasing data, it has become apparent that these systems did not computerise whole finance processes. They simply computerised the ledgers recording the core transactions of the business. The process has therefore not changed or become automatic.

The Invu white paper takes a closer look at one key area left incomplete and not automated, the document workflow ( from purchase to the point of payment, and discusses the various solutions available to organisations depending on size and available funds. Implementing EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is an effective solution; however this process demands significant technology, effort and expenditure, the paper therefore outlines the requirements and benefits of implementing a more cost-effective document processing solution to automate invoices and reduce the volume of paper.

The paper demonstrates that a simple yet effective business automation approach solely based on document capture, management and workflow can speed up existing internal processes and compliment the investment in the company's ERP system.

Stuart Evans, Chief Technical Officer, Invu, comments, "The white paper highlights the reality that the paper and PDF invoice will be around for many years to come, therefore there is an urgent need for businesses to improve their efficiency. While it is understandable that few businesses have the luxury of moving to a full EDI approach to purchasing, the white paper shows that invoice process automation is the next best, and often the only other, solution to take for organisations to remain both competitive and alive."

For more information on purchase invoice processing ( or to download a copy of the Purchase to Pay Automation White Paper, please visit