Hans van Leunen
About Hans
I am a retired Physicist (born in 1941) with experience in chemistry, Fourier optics, image intensifiers, quantum logic, quantum physics, modular software. Stumbled into the quaternion waltz (c=ab/a) when I was preparing a small course on quaternionic Hilbert spaces on ResearchGate in 2009. Runs an on-going research project on my own website http://www.e-physics.eu. The project name is : Hilbert Book Model. His e-print archive is: http://vixra.org/author/j_a_j_van_leunen. Books appear as open access e-books. CV is at my website.
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Hans's Articles
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A never ending storyThe hierarchy of objectsFlat Quantum PhysicsZiggs, QPAD’s, curvature and inertiaThe Stuff From Which We Are Made
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