Data concerning the parties with 30 young beauties (paid 1450$ each for their time, plus various benefits and gifts) held by the Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi in his residences in Rome and Sardinia, between September 2008 and January 2009, have been disclosed the other day by the provider of the girls, Giancarlo Tarantini. Tarantini is under investigation for several charges (including, it seems, drug abuse and distribution at his own parties), and he is spilling his guts.  We thus learn from him that many of the involved girls allegedly spent the nights at the Premier's house providing sexual favors to their host; the fact appears to be confirmed in at least one case with video and audio recordings taken by escort Patrizia D'Addario.

Now, it is interesting to cross the dates of those parties with the agenda of Silvio Berlusconi, which is full with institutional duties - as it should be, since he represents Italy in the world.

We thus learn that on September 23rd last year Berlusconi allegedly spent the evening with at least four girls -Tarantini gives names of all of the 30 girls involved-, and then maybe the night with one or two; in his agenda, Berlusconi had to participate that day in a ONU meeting in New York, but canceled his presence there at the last minute, with the reason that he had to follow closely the crisis of Alitalia, an Italian-based airline. Well, maybe he did think of Alitalia at the height of his pleasure that night.

We also learn that on several other occasions, when those parties were held according to Tarantini, the Premier's agenda was filled with convenient non-institutional occupations -which of course left him a free hand to use his time otherwise.

We then learn also that on December 17th 2008 he was to participate in a happening with the CONI (Italian Olympic Committee) and to visit Italy's President Napolitano, but he canceled both items, with the official explanation that he had a muscular strain. Maybe he had one; the day after, I suggest. Because he allegedly spent that unfortunate  evening (and maybe longer than that) with two stunning beauties. It is maybe in this occasion that Tarantini is taped in a phone call when he insists with Berlusconi that his agenda should be changed, because there's the blonde and the occasion is too juicy to be lost.

I find all this quite illuminating. I wonder in how many more occasions did Berlusconi put his private pleasure first, before September 2008. From then on we know (at least in part) the story; but he has been Italian Premier for much longer. Or, better: do I wonder ? Maybe I do not really want to know. All I would like to know at this point is whether Italians still believe that he is there to take care of their best interests.