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Science 2.0 fave Darlene Cavalier, the Science Cheerleader, has big news.   

The “Science of NFL Football”series, produced by NBC Learn, NBC Sports and the National Science Foundation in partnership with Science Cheerleader and the NFL, won a Sports Emmy from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences for Outstanding New Approaches Sports Programming.

Gooooooo, Darlene!  Gooooooooo science!
Everyone issues forth platitudes about how science should be more 'open' and, in a world of social media, it will certainly stay harder to remain closed.

A few weeks ago, a leak about a possible new discovery (for the comprehensive explanation from a member of the collaboration, see Tommaso Dorigo) set the media aflame.    A preliminary document seemed to show γ-rays from a decaying Higgs particle with a mass of 115 gigaelectronvolts and the details about what it really or really was are best left to experts like Tommaso but the issue here is, will open science, part of the Science 2.0 vision, make any headway or not?  
From BathMums, a brewing controversy over a baby friendly cafe for new mothers that has suddenly started charging a 'corkage' fee (if you are unfamiliar with the term, it is a fee a restaurant charges if you bring your own wine to go with your meal rather than buying it from the restaurant) to mothers who bring their own baby food.

Jika Jika, means "twist" in Zulu so it's no surprise.   The obvious question is, what's next?   Will mothers get charged for breast feeding too?

Ethan Siegel is not the most popular writer on but he may consistently be the most enlightening.    

He writers that the future of particle physics is commonly believed to be either going from the Large Hadron Collider to a Very Large Hadron Collider for protons, or going back to electrons and building a huge Linear Collider. 

There is another option, he says. What if we could find a particle that had the best of both worlds? 
You know times are hard when thieves are stealing research bees.  It may make sense, though, since in the modern world stealing money is hard - no one carries money - and you'd have to be an elite computer hacker to get anything from a bank.
About women and lesbian sex, 'an experimental phase in college' is a litany in humor circles.  When it comes to casual sex among women, everyone seems to have an opinion, a statistic, and evidence, be it anecdotal or scientific. And no one is sure how "lesbians" and "lesbian sex" are qualified and quantified in any of these research missions. 

Writing in The Edge, Stephanie Schroeder says that as lesbian sex and homosexuality become more accepted, the popular perception of young lesbians as experimental consumers of casual sex is going away.
Does torture work?  Hard to say, it certainly has proponents and the line of where people would use it versus the lives it might save is a subjective one but certainly whether it works at all can be solved using the scientific method, right?

Alex Berezow, writing in The American Spectator, proposes a randomized controlled trial(!)

He says, since we already have the participants at Guantanamo Bay and they are terrorists, 50% of them will be better off if a controlled trial gives them rewards (like cookies and milk) versus getting dunked into the sink.   Then we see who gives up the better data.
Simon Baron-Cohen,  Cambridge University psychology and psychiatry professor labeled by fans as a world expert in autism and developmental psychopathology, says evil doesn't explain...evil.

He thinks the word is a leftover from an ancient time and the concept should be rebranded as something new, something you should, well, buy his book about.
Neurowear of Japan have created “necomimi” (neco and mimi being the words for cat and ear)  which takes brain signals and, they say, turns them into visible actions in the form of wiggling cat ears.

Really, do I need to write anything else?   They say it has practical applications, like allowing mentally disabled people to show their feelings, but we all know it is really just a way for Japanese gearheads to make every female in Japan look 13.

Lou Gehrig, "The Iron Horse" first baseman for the New York Yankees, had played for 2,130 consecutive games and endured any number of sprains, bumps, bruises and illness.  It was a shock when it finally ended, with him telling his coach, in his understated way, he wasn't "feeling well."
It may seem silly to have to say this, but in a culture where science and politics are often mish-mashed, climatologists and meteorologists are noting that the recent devastating tornadoes were not caused or aggravated by global warming.  

Hey, if you saw an "Inconvenient Truth" and images of Hurricane Katrina, making it look like global warming was to blame for the destruction, you can understand why scientists are in the uncomfortable position of having to deny things no one has yet asked about.
Politicians want to control their image - and that means controlling the media when they can.   And when they can't, that means removing a highly respected journalist in one of the most liberal cities in the country, one that voted 80% for Barack Obama during the 2008 election - and even re-elected Nancy Peloso in 2010.

Part of the press' job is to strip away the cloaks and veneers politicians and their media flaks create.    But they have rules and one of them is that if you are a 'pen and pad' reporter, you shouldn't take video with your phone, it seems - especially if the video is a protester of Pres. Obama.
A short in a switchbox or an electrical line appears to be the reason one of the  heaters for the fuel line powering one of Endeavour's three auxiliary power units failed.   The heaters keep the hydrazine from freezing on orbit.  Thus, the mission has been scrubbed.

The power units provide hydraulic pressure to the main engines at liftoff and to the rudder and speed brake during landing and for redundancy all needed to be functional in order to give the go-ahead for Endeavour, 
the shuttle built to replace the Challenger shuttle destroyed during liftoff in 1986, to return to the International Space Station for its last mission in its 19-year history. 
Apple now admits that iPhones store location information and plan a patch to scale back their data collection but also say it was no big deal.   Steve Jobs, however, reportedly claimed “We don’t track anyone. The info circulating around is false.”
European scientists are taking to the people to protest the European Court of Justice (ECJ) which would ban patents on embryonic stem cell-related technologies.

Their contention; it would hurt large pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer,  AstraZeneca and Roche.   They say without patents drug companies will not pursue life-saving treatments because there is no profit.   It stands to reason that would apply to all of health care.  Maybe those Europeans are onto something letting the private sector handle all that stuff.
Google traffic to Demand Media sites is down 40 percent and other content farms seem to be following, according to an analysis by Experian Hitwise.  They looked at downstream traffic from Google, what sites users visit after visiting and Demand dropped from 0.57 in January to 0.34 percent last week, a 40 percent decline from the start of 2011.

That means their Panda upgrade to penalize content farms and (hopefully) make way for quality sites like ours to show up in the best results, and not just the best-SEO results, is having some impact.
If you read How Is The Date Of Easter Calculated? The Science Answer you learned about astronomy and why Christians established the paschal full moon after the vernal equinox as Easter - Christ was resurrected on a Sunday and died on a Friday, the paschal full moon was the date of Passover in the Jewish calendar, and the Last Supper (what Christians call Holy Thursday) occurred on the Passover. 
Apple is the kind of marketing machine that will be discussed in business classes for decades to come.  It is a mega-giant corporation that makes its young, progressive users feel individualistic and rebellious.   Its chairman, Steve Jobs, gives almost no money to charity, was caught illegally obtaining stock options (yet got no penalty) and controls what you can put on Apple tools but is fondly regarded as a man of the people while Microsoft chairman Bill Gates donates billions and is reviled as a monopolist even though people can install Flash or anything they want on their PCs.
Outside of Chernobyl, you may not have heard of these 10 most polluted places on Earth.   But luckily Our Amazing Planet has and Earth Day seems like a good time to highlight it.

Progressives won't be thrilled at the common denominator in 7 of them - communist control - and the other two are in socialist countries, which means it's unlikely government can solve problems related to the environment.    All 10 of them were or are very poor which reaffirms the point that if Earth Day advocates would focus on helping poor people first instead of telling everyone to go back to the Dark Ages, we would get greener.
If you followed renewable energy in the 1980s and 1990s, all you heard about was ethanol.  Despite a lack of evidence it would be beneficial, activists - and a government point guard in Vice-President Al Gore - insisted ethanol would save us from fossil fuels.

In 2005, ethanol was finally mandated and subsidized but activists can't take the blame - it was President Bush and a Republican Congress that passed it.   Only then did environmentalists and their staff scientists finally give it a critical look and ethanol turned out to be expensive, inefficient and worse for the environment.