Mark your calendars! A Japanese broadcaster is joining forces with the Science Channel and renowned giant squid biologist Tsunemi Kubodera (the guy who went fishing with a long string and a bag of shrimp) on an "international quest to find and film a living giant squid." (Again.)
The mission will be captured in Giant Squid: Last Mystery of the Deep, which will also showcase other nearly unknown creatures, such as the mega-mouth shark and a predator that resembles a 350-million-year-old sea serpent.
Exciting! Kubodera is a rock star, and he's got the best chance of anyone of getting documentary-quality footage of giant squid. It's crazy to think that when I first learned about giant squid, no one had ever seen one alive, and by the time my someday-kids learn about them, we may well be able to sit down and watch them swimming on TV. Hooray, science!

That said, giant squid are hardly the Last Mystery of the Deep. How about bone worms? Green bombers? Barreleye fish? Or all of the undoubtedly bizarre and wonderful creatures that haven't been discovered yet?

Colbert's triumph of science communication notwithstanding, it seems that stuff just can't reach the giant squid gee-whiz factor.
Why are people such suckers for the giant squid? What's the hook? I don't know, but Giant Squid: Last Mystery of the Deep will join a redoubtable collection of giant squid classics, including Richard Ellis' The Search for the Giant Squid, the Smithsonian's exhibit In Search of Giant Squid, and National Geographic's Sea Monsters: Search For Giant Squid.

Hey, actually, I changed my mind. I love the title of the new documentary. It's groundbreaking! It doesn't include the word "search"!