- Optometrists Say They Can Make Athlete Brains React Over 50 Percent Faster
Great athletes know that it takes more than physical ability to do well- it takes brain power in the form of speed and efficiency in decision-making as well. Two researchers from the School of Optometry, Professor Jocelyn Faubert and postdoctoral student ...
Article - News Staff - Nov 18 2008 - 4:54pm
- Neuroscientists Solve 200 Year-Old Mystery Of Illusion
Neuroscientists at Barrow Neurological Institute at St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center have discovered a direct link between eye motions and the perception of illusory motion that solves a 200-year-old debate. Stephen Macknik, PhD, director of ...
Article - News Staff - Nov 20 2008 - 10:11pm
- Maybe Pain Is In The Eye Of The Beholder Too
By manipulating the appearance of a chronically achy hand, researchers have found they could increase or decrease the pain and swelling in patients moving their symptomatic limbs. The findings in Current Biology reveal a profound top-down effect of body im ...
Article - News Staff - Nov 28 2008 - 1:30am
- Strabismus- Eye Divergence In Children Correlated To Increased Risk Of Mental Illness
Children whose eyes are misaligned and point outward are at significantly increased risk of developing mental illness by early adulthood, according to findings of a Mayo Clinic study published this month in Pediatrics ( ...
Article - News Staff - Nov 30 2008 - 1:30am
- Forensics- What The Eyes Can Tell Us About The Time Of Death
A future episode of CSI or your favorite crime drama may have an interesting new way to establish time of death, thanks to the work of a team of researchers from the University of Santiago de Compostela. Based on the analysis of several substances from t ...
Article - News Staff - Dec 7 2008 - 10:26am
- 'Blindsight' Helps A Blind Man Flawlessly Navigate Obstacle Course
How electrical traffic is routed through the brain has always been of great interest to psychologists. It was once thought that electrical signals always followed set paths through the brain, much in the way the heart pushes blood through the cardiovascula ...
Article - Chris Rollins - Jan 17 2009 - 2:26am
- New Photoreceptor Discovery- Melanopsin Helps Control Biological Clock
A team of Johns Hopkins neuroscientists has worked out how some newly discovered light sensors in the eye detect light and communicate with the brain. The report appears online this week in Nature. These light sensors are a small number of nerve cells in ...
Article - News Staff - Jan 2 2009 - 12:58pm
- How Bees Sees Can Teach Us About Computerized Facial Recognition
Imaging systems, artificial intelligence and computer programs for facial recognition could get a boost by work from Dr. Adrian Dyer of Monash University, one of Australia's leading bee experts- he says his latest research shows that honeybees can l ...
Article - News Staff - Jan 23 2009 - 12:55pm
- How Do Eyes Send Images To The Brain?
Scientists have known for more than 200 years that vision begins with a series of chemical reactions when light strikes the retina, but the specific chemical processes have largely been a mystery. A team of researchers from the United States and Switzerlan ...
Article - News Staff - Jan 29 2009 - 4:39pm
- Macular Degeneration- Preventing Vision Loss With Exercise
There's another reason to dust off those running shoes. Vigorous exercise may help prevent vision loss, according to a pair of studies from the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The studies tracked approximately 3 ...
Article - News Staff - Feb 10 2009 - 12:22pm