Last August 27 a full-day outreach event was held in the nice small town of Veroia, in northern Greece, as one of the satellite activities to the international conference “Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum” which took place in Thessaloniki during the following days. As the AMVA4NewPhysics network I coordinate sponsored the conference, of course I am proud to report here that the outreach event in Veroia was a real success – as testified also by an article published on “To Bhma”, a Greek newspaper. Below is a snapshot of the title of the article, available also here.


The event in Veroia was hosted by the local public library, which is an amazing building per se. Partly funded by an ATLA award by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, this venue is really remarkable. You can read about it in this nice article. (in English, fortunately!)

veroia-library15The Library in Veroia 

The outreach event started in the morning with activities for kids as well as adults, videos, explanations, hands-on demonstrations. And in the evening, over 100 participants joined in the auditorium, where a public lecture by Prof. Emmanouil Tsesmelis (CERN and Oxford University) was accompanied by songs played by yours truly at the piano, accompanying the soprano Kalliopi Petrou. We offered the musical performance to the audience to enlighten the evening, with music by Schumann, Faure, Poulanc, Weill, and others. As I am not a professional piano player, I was a bit stressed to have to play in front of a large audience (especially when accompanying a professional!), but overall I am happy of my performance…