The field has boomed since the discovery of neutrino oscillations by SuperKamiokande at the end of last century, and the focus is now on precise measurement of the neutrino mixing matrix and on the mass hierarchy of these almost unfathomable particles. Hence the conference is a very good thing to put in your agenda, if you have a chance; the location, of course, is another clear motivation: Palazzo Franchetti is beautiful (see pictures below), and Venice is Venice. The excellent food, provided in the foyer of Palazzo Franchetti by the Rosa Salva catering service, is one further good reason to be happy if you can participate.
(Above, the stairs to the piano nobile of Palazzo Franchetti)
(Above: Palazzo Franchetti on the left, flanking the Grand Canal).
If you still need a more tangible reason to come to Venice next month, here is it: by submitting a poster to the conference - you still have a week to do it - you are eligible to win one of the three following prizes, graciously offered by the sponsors:
1) iPad Air 2 (wi-fi + Cellular 16GB)
2) Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Smartphone
3) Samsung l9515 Galaxy S4 Smartphone, 16 GB
The deadline for posters submission was January 31st, but it was moved to February 17th recently. In the web page of the conference related to posters submission you still read the earlier deadline, but you can trust me...
If you choose to submit a poster, which of course must be on topics related to neutrino physics, you will also be asked to produce a blog post on your topic, to appear on the conference blog. To know what has been submitted in the previous edition of the conference you can give a look at the posts there, which indeed contain a description of the posters submitted in 2013 (the conference takes place every two years).
The neutel conference blog, which will be re-activated very soon, will offer real-time coverage of the most interesting results and discussions taking place at the conference. I am now in the process of finding volunteers among the Padova students who participate... It is a good exercise for them to report on what they hear there. So please add this link to your bookmarks!