All you need to know about distrust in science and medicine is that Facebook is littered with claims of chronic lyme disease, along with bizarre advice such as 'keep looking for a doctor' until you find one willing to diagnose you, and bizarre self-experimentation and remedies.

It turns out all you might need is to mistake LSD for cocaine, take 55,000 percent of what you would take of cocaine, trip for 34 hours, and you may find your chronic lyme disease is cured.

What is the biological mechanism for that? The same thing that exists for chronic lyme disease. Just say you are cured the same way you claim you have it. This was a patient already somehow using morphine for a disease doctors can't find, but she switched to LSD after the experience with the high dose because she felt no pain and didn't miss the morphine. She eventually gave up the morphine. Sure, it's a case study, they have no idea if any of it's true or not, you could put "in Russian cave" after a lot of case study anecdotes and get it published in the National Enquirer, but if you are willing to believe, you are going to believe. There is no evidence she had lyme disease any time after her 20s.

In more positive news, a 26-year-old woman who attended a summer solstice party (naturally) and overdosed on LSD said she was pregnant at the time (but that she did not know it) and the child turned out fine.

Bonus: If you can imagine it, someone in media will rush to embrace it. And multiple outlets did. The one upside to that is now you know never to read science or health at those places. Goop profiles, sure, that's still fine to read on Insider and Vice.