When I arrive to west I have better option to look towards east from the west. The attitude is different. East dwels more on its glorious past, some of the most advanced nations have no past to share, and European Union and Europe has no time to look back to the past. The basic thinking is different Once I asked a cup of tea on a flight and the reply was havenot you been served before. I asked the same on another flight the answer was Sure. I dont criticise anyone but always wonder what makes it different here. The ideas, ideologies, hard work, or natural resources. Human societies have evolved globally and definition of evolution of medical system, education, ideologies, and religion may vary but the goals are same Human beings are same all over the earth . What makes them rich and poor. Political systems , or health care. The daily chorus of dengu, flu, floods and diseases is missing . I fail to understand but I have only one answer they are more near to nature, nature and human beings are one entity. Love nature and nature will make you rich and prosperous. You decide.