Population growth has been uneven in a country in a society and in the world. Global earth has to support 8 billion people in coming years starting from 1 billion only not so long ago. The world population is growing in geometric proportion. As far as I know population is not growing in Germany and Japan two wealthiest nation of the world and growing slowly in United States of America. The maximum population growth has taken place in Asia and population of India China Bangladesh could make one fourth of the world population in times to come if not now. What could be the reason of this uneven growth of population globally? Richer nations and poor nations have different population growth. Rich people and poor people also have differences in the number their children and especially school going children. Many children from poor families have to support their family income and are school dropouts. One of the richest people did not have any child at all or some had only one or two. Look for the number of children among poor people they have 4 to 6 or more. This makes them poorer and children are malnourished also. Could there be any scientific cause. Once Government took measures for population control and it adversely affected their poll prospect. Besides global pollution the population growth itself is the biggest challenge of the century. If the population continues to grow at the present rate the world resources will be limited and poverty will spread further. Cutting and selling wood from forests legally or illegally is one of the means of subsistence. However if poor people could be motivated to plant trees it will work wonders. I still remember a small boy. I saw him collecting small saplings which had germinated below the neem tree (Azhadiracta indica). When I asked him why he is collecting seedlings of this big tree. He replied its a very big tree and its saplings will provide a big plant as well. He was following simple principle of plant selection. Nature takes care of itself and it does not require nurseries to raise its saplings. Only one thing man has to do is to keep its climate intact meaning its plant associations, its soil profile, its water table. It is very important for the plants to have some "friendly plants " in their neighborhood and some friendly bacteria in association with its roots or in some cases even mycorrhiza also. They help in phosphate and other mineral matter solubilization. However if the ground plants are gone, soil is eroded and seeds do not find the proper climate they won't germinate. Once a particular type of plant will be gone others will follow and microclimate in ecosystem will change . Such changes will result in a degraded ecosystem and ultimately climate change will set in faster. Love nature protect plants and protect our planet.