The world survies largely on fossil fuel economy but burning fossil fuel causes green house gas emissions which raise Carbon di oxide levels. Kyoto protocol expiring in 2012 , Copenhagen without consensus , Cancun declarations aparts , the DSDS 2011 brought out some of the important considerations. Rich nations advocated for removal of subsidies on petrol and diesel, developing countries cant afford to do it due to economic disparities. Economy , fossil fuel resources, media are in one basket and those propounding sustainable development are often questioned about validity of claims. Environmental disasters, floods, droughts, rains, forest fires, storms are usual happenings for some and a result of climate change for others. Equity in developed world declining , the developing world GDP is increasing at a faster rate. Economic achievements are to be weighed against environmental losses. Technologies at local level cant be applied at global level. The per capita use of energy in developing world is still marginal but resource use optimisation of natural resources, nutrient uptake and agricultural productivity treating earth as one unit is imperative for sustainable growth. However the costs of achieving green house gas mitigation or reduction of emission of carbon levels without adversely affecting GDP is stumbling block in acceptance of any binding norms globally. However science has to provide a solution for sustainable growth and biomass is one such natural resource but are there enough technologies available to harness the same ? The falling from the tree contains at least 50 percent carbon i.e. it has accumulated that much carbon from the atmosphere. Bio fuels are carbon neutral and supportive of green GDP