- Blogging The ACS- Day One- Desperate For A Ride
So there I am sitting at my computer desk Sunday morning, two days before I am supposed to present at the ACS, without a car in the world. My roommate had split town two days earlier to make glee with his shorty, (who by the way is not so short). I open ...
Article - Anonymous - Jul 4 2009 - 12:29pm
- Velociraptor Season Is Here!
Velociraptor attack is the 3rd leading cause of death for men age 27-29. However, everyone must think about the implications of velociraptors: young and old, men, women and transgendered persons. The American Society for Velociraptor Attack Prevention is a ...
Blog Post - Cash Simpson - Aug 23 2010 - 12:31pm
- The Mens Guide To Dating Geek Girls V 1.0
Let's face it, sometimes we get tired of dating models. Sure, they clean up well but it gets annoying having to tell her she's beautiful a hundred times a day and the cocaine bill gets expensive. You might think you have no hope of getting an at ...
Article - Cash Simpson - Jan 21 2009 - 5:54pm
- Memed Again: Blogs That Make Me Think...
Memed again! Here are some great blogs that make me think 'outside of my box'. Pass on the meme... Secret Sex Lives of Animals A weekly column on the bizarre, wonderful, colourful and sometimes shocking world of animal mating habits. The Domestic ...
Article - Sarda Sahney - May 8 2007 - 12:02pm
- The Science Of Orgasms
I read an article in Men's Health talking about how women get aroused during exercises. Specifically, hanging leg raises. "Coregasm" they called it, because some women can, apparently, have an orgasm while doing these exercises. ...
Article - Cash Simpson - Apr 25 2009 - 5:29pm
- Go Green By Switching To Fruit Power
It confuses some people that I can be an environmentalist and a Republican. It's confusing because Democrats are handed a checklist of "coalition of the oppressed" platforms they have to believe in, so they don't understand picking and ...
Article - Cash Simpson - Aug 17 2007 - 12:22pm
- The Assault On Coffee
There's a war that's brewing and you may not be aware of it. It's right under our noses but it has been kept out of the mainstream media due to a growing web of deniers and obfuscaters who regard misinformation and doubt as allies. Like many ...
Article - Cash Simpson - Oct 16 2010 - 1:03am
- My Dirty Secret- I Am A Six Fiend
I have always loved numbers. My whole life I have manipulated them, caressed them, cared for them. My friends, I am a six fiend. And I am not alone. Heck, even among physics gurus I am in pretty good company, including notables such as Paul A.M. Dirac, whi ...
Article - Cash Simpson - Aug 9 2009 - 10:39pm
- Science Converges On The Perfect Woman
"It's hard finding the perfect woman," my friend Jack said to me. "What do you mean?" I asked. ...
Article - Cash Simpson - Aug 11 2007 - 5:04pm
- Extreme Transsexuals In The Bug World
Who knew that the sex lives of African bat bugs could be so interesting? Males with female genitalia, female bugs with 'paragenitals' on their abdomens that guide the males to the right spot by basically impaling them if they mess up, males tryin ...
Article - Cash Simpson - Oct 2 2007 - 2:30pm