
How Fast Do Whiskers Grow? (in Seals And Sealions)

In order to clear any doubts regarding the comparative growth rates of the whiskers of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) and Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus), researchers at the Institute of Marine Science, University of Alaska Fairbanks, and the Mystic ...

Article - Martin Gardiner - Apr 9 2013 - 9:53am

Hacking a Mainframe Computer? Actually it should have read, "What David Stephens and HuffPo got wrong". There's only one response possible. ...

Blog Post - Gerhard Adam - Nov 2 2013 - 5:28pm

The Fractal Content Of Banana Spots

• The problem – How to tell if a banana is senescent (old). • The solution – Apply fractal Fourier analysis to the banana spots. The computational method was jointly developed by the Department of Science and Food Technology, Universidad de Los Lagos, Chi ...

Article - Martin Gardiner - Apr 13 2013 - 12:42pm

The Benefits Of Being Uninformative

Many may jump to the conclusion that ‘Uninformative Advertising’ simply provides a route by which a manufacturing corporation can ‘burn its money’ – but this may not always be the case, as explained in a recent paper from the Yale School of Management.  Pr ...

Article - Martin Gardiner - Apr 21 2013 - 12:05pm

The Attractiveness Of Beards, Dance-moves And Armpits

What makes adult human males attractive (to adult human females)? Of the many possible factors, at least three have been scientifically investigated, measured, and described by ‘Honest Signals’ researcher Dr. Nick Neave, of the School of Life Sciences, Dep ...

Article - Martin Gardiner - Apr 24 2013 - 9:00am

Typical Male?

Typical Male? Just for fun: What else might Nicholas Cage be saying?  There's plenty of scope here for your ideas. ...

Blog Post - Patrick Lockerby - Apr 24 2013 - 6:20pm

Doctors' Stethoscopes- Should They Hang To The Left Or Right?

Would one normally expect a health-professional’s stethoscope to hang more predominantly to their left, or their right? And if there is a bias, what conclusions may be drawn? In 2007, professor Emmanuel Stylianos Antonarakis MBBCh performed a cross-section ...

Article - Martin Gardiner - Apr 26 2013 - 3:33pm

DAFT- Towards A New Disk Filing Approach

The Windows® NTFS disk filing system was first introduced in 1993, but despite its undoubted sophistication, not everyone is convinced that it is perfectly tuned for all possible eventualities. Prompting Dr. Fanglu Guo and Dr. Tzi-cker Chiueh from Symantec ...

Article - Martin Gardiner - Apr 30 2013 - 10:30am

The Complex Physics Behind Ducks' Feet

What is the optimum stroke angle for a duck’s foot when paddling?  Although a duck may already intuitively know the answer, the question has now been clarified for us humans as part of a recent research project undertaken at the prestigious California Inst ...

Article - Martin Gardiner - May 6 2013 - 11:12am

Prediction: 'Dark Genome' Popularity May Make 'Dark' The Top Science Media Cliche Of 2013

With the popularity of dark matter and dark energy as blanket terms for 'this is weird and we don't understand it but we are studying it, ain't science awesome?' in physics, it was only a matter of time before it caught on elsewhere. S ...

Article - Hank Campbell - May 3 2013 - 9:35am